it's not there Roland VK 8

Roland VK 8

ROLAND VK 8 Combo Orgel, Virtual Tone Wheel & COSM Leslie simulation, 2 Midi-In, Waterfall Keyboard 61 Keys, D-Beam controller
ROLAND VK 8 Combo Orgel, Virtual Tone Wheel & COSM Leslie simulation, 2 Midi-In, Waterfall Keyboard 61 Keys, D-Beam controller.

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Added: 13 July 2004
New price: 1,075.77 GBP - 1,444.00 Euros
S/H price: ?
Company:  ROLAND UK


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It's great! But keyclick is one of global settings.
I'd like to set keyclick value for each patch memory, using a panel knob.

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