it's not there Antares AVP-1

Antares AVP-1

ANTARES AVP-1 Vocal Producer with Realtime Pitch Correction, Microphone Modeling, Tube Modeling, Kompressor, Gate, De-Esser, Parametric EQ, Double Tracking and Midi Automation
ANTARES AVP-1 Vocal Producer with Realtime Pitch Correction, Microphone Modeling, Tube Modeling, Kompressor, Gate, De-Esser, Parametric EQ, Double Tracking and Midi Automation

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Total Stars: 3
Total Votes: 1


Added: 13 July 2004
New price: 377.56 UKP - 555.00 Euros
S/H price: ?


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Hey anyone out there willing and able to give a Cher impersonator who is tehnically dysfunctional a quick and easy - sort of "Autotune for Dummies" - instructional? Just purchased a used unit and was hoping it would be "plug and play". It isn't. So sure would appreciate any simple, easy to follow guidance.

Thanks much.


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