it's not there Kjaerhus Audio Classic Delay

Kjaerhus Audio Classic Delay

Free VST PC delay plugin with sync, 'tape', 'analog' and 'digital' delay sounds.
Here's some more great freebies for you courtesy of Kjaerhus Audio - They do 8 great freeware PC-format VST plugin FX in this 'Classic' Series, and also sell some 'Gold' series plugs all via their site.... Here's the specs for the 'Classic Delay'.

* Tape- Analog- and Digital Delay sound * Ping-pong delay * Quality control * Filters * Presets * Ultra low CPU usage * Supports sampling rates up to 96kHz * Full VST automation

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Added: 22 July 2004
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  kjaerhus audio


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