it's not there Sweetboy Volcano

Sweetboy Volcano

free VST peak limiter and level maximizer plugin
A freeware VST plugin for maximising & peak limiting - Here's the blurb from Sweetboy's site:


With Volcano, you get an easy to use for mastering or some else. It combines peak limiter and level maximizer. You need not to control many parameters, only 4 parameters there.

Short reference

Controls the level of limiting. If the sound causes clipping noise, I recommend to change it smaller.

Controls the maximam level of output signal. Leave the MaxOut setting at the maximum value: 0.0 dB.

Controls the release time of limiting. It makes the sound smooth, if you choose large value. If the sound causes clipping noise, I recommend to change it larger.

Sets the automatic release time control system. Automatically ARC calculates the release time. If you want to create loudness sound, I recommend to turn it off.

Ctrl+Left-Click -> Fine adjustment of the value.

VU Meter:
Range:0dB <-> -30dB

Update Information

v1.10 -> v1.11
- GUI bug fix - Minor optimization

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Added: 29 March 2005
New price: free
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