it's not there Interruptor Bionic Delay

Interruptor Bionic Delay

A free VST stereo tape delay plug-in with host synchronization.
A free VST stereo tape delay plug-in with host synchronization.


- tape model including tape saturation, wow & flutter, low and high pass filtering, smooth parameter for continuous delay time changes like on a real tape delay

- independent delay time setting for left and right channel setting the delay time: First select a coarse delay time by pressing one of the note buttons: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 or 1/16 notes are available. Then adjust the groove parameter to achieve any timing between 33% = tripplet and 75% = dotted note. 50% is the "neutral setting" which corresponds to the note button selected

- parameter "drift" balances the feedback amount for the right and left channel. This allows delays drifting to the left or to the right in the stereo field. In the case of different delays times on the right and the left side this parameter can be adjusted to prevent the delays from dieing out faster on the side with the shorter delay time.

- enabling the parameter "ping pong" crosses the feedback lines and mutes the right input. This results in a ping pong delay effect: The delay alternates between the right and the left side. If the left and the right delay time is different a "galloping" effect can be heard, otherwise the delays occur at a steady pace.

- all parameters are controllable by midi controllers.

- Pop-up hints help to understand the function of each control on the user interface. These appear when the mouse rests over a control.

- Also the assignement of midi controllers is documented in the pop-up hints

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Added: 27 July 2005
New price: free
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Company:  Interruptor


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