it's not there Antress Modern Plugins Modern VFME

Antress Modern Plugins Modern VFME

freeware vst vintage compressor plugin.
Antress give no details about themselves at all on their site, but they offer a slew of freebie plugins, either downloadable individualy or as a collection of all plugins!

This is the Modern VFME - a vintage compressor sim' - Here's a close-up of the parameters:

* Power, Meter, Bypass On/Off switch.
* Fair coloring mode On/Off switch.
* VU/GR Metering mode switch.
* Auto ratio mode.
* Gain controls (0 - 18 dB).
* Threshold control.
* Attack control (3 - 150 ms).
* Release control (50 - 1000 ms).
* Soft clip mode Limiter include.

Anyways nice freebie, sounds ok!... anyone want to leave some user comments feel free to leave them below.

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Added: 2 April 2007
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Antress Modern Plugins


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WHat a great plugin!. Why bother spending money for the UAD. This is same.



use it 4 bass!




Last added comment

Aaron Whisnant


Been looking for a few of these plugs for awhile. Thanks so much for the DL.
Have had a few problems with certain Antress plugs but the ones that work
sound great. Thanks again!

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