it's not there BTE Audio Juicy77

BTE Audio Juicy77

Great little free hi-gain amplifier sim' plugin.
Inspired from its legendary role model which has set the industry standard for high gain amplifiers, Juicy 77 aims to become the definitive benchmark for crystal clear articulation, solid punch and singing sustain in the digital domain. With separate preamplifier and power amplifier sections and a loudspeaker cabinet simulator section that includes seven classical cabinet types, Juicy77 modestly delivers instant gratification to musicians who are looking for the ultimate high gain experience.


  • Achieve blazing high gain without loosing sharp focus and dynamic punch at extreme gain levels.
  • Fine-tune the overall sound with the authentic tone stack which asymmetrically alters the harmonic content.


  • Accurately control the character from note to note according to how hard or soft you play.
  • Individually adjust preamplifier and power amplifier drive levels to achieve smooth transition from wild preamp bite to warm power amp saturation.

Flexible and Easy to Use

  • No complex drop down menus, no nested parameter screens, instantly dial in any sound from sparkling clean to gritty crunch to full on juicy saturation.
  • Precisely adjust the low-end punch with the unique “Thump” parameter.

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Added: 28 January 2008
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  BTE Audio


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