it's not there Propellerheads Record

Propellerheads Record

The superb new Record audio & midi sequencer from Propellerheads - check it out!
Ok - groovy new audio and midi sequencer workstation from the makers of Reason - Tons of great features and easy recording - Rewire of course allows full integration with Reason, but if reason is installed already on your machine, then Record seeks out the |Reason install and all your instruments become available inside Record's rack! awesome!

Videos to follow - here's the first 2.

Record Dairy - Part-1

Record Dairy - Part-2

i gotta do part-2 again really cos i made some errors - in the video part-2 i say that the top of the eq section has a pre-eq lp filter and of course it's a lp and hp - also i forgot to say about the F5, F6 & F7 commands which fullscreen the mixer, rack and sequencer

More to follow.... soon

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Currently: 80%
Total Stars: 24
Total Votes: 6


Added: 25 July 2009
New price: 229.00 Euros - 210.74 GBP
S/H price: -


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Steve Hall


Thanx for the videos, I use Reason in conjunction with Logic 8......And oh, by the way, I really want to
thank you for the Logic 9 install video I watched on You Tube. I've got a G-5 mac and was having fits at
the thought of not being able to run it! Having a few problems on this end getting through the videos right
now> bandwidth in the mountains is spotty at best on the big hughes bird in the sky....(They Suck!) Great
Job to all of you :)

Last added comment

Willie gary


Weblink: link

I am a Reason user and i always wanted to get audio tracks happening and seance you came with Record
it opened up a whole new world with my 3 screens like the commentator in the video i am in heaven
thanks to you guys.Keep it coming !!!

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