it's not there Steinberg Neon

Steinberg Neon

Neon is included in VST, a basic but useful little s/w synth.
What is there to say about NEON.. eveyones got it anyways - so this is for the listings - the basic VSTi monosynth that started it all off... Basic 2 osc synth, not sure how much poly, but seems to be about 8 notes mebbe/.. dunno - you got OSC_2 pitch adjust, 3 octave switching, 3 choices of waveform, and a dedicated filter & amp envelopes - what the LFO does god only knows but i cant see it... basic synth, good hardhouse etc bassline box.

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Added: 29 May 2001
New price: free
S/H price: -
Company:  Steinberg


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I´m using this on some tracks to get ATARI-ACID vibe and leads. Couple this with Peach and Toad and you have the perfct ARCADE SOUNDS COMBO.

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