it's not there Steinberg Model E

Steinberg Model E

Steinberg's Model E is an excellent s/w VSTi synth, well worth investing in. Apparently based on the Mini moog, check it out! - works in Logic & Orion etc.
Steinberg's 'Model.E' VSTi is s'posed to be based round a Mini Moog so they say - well I'm just adding it to the listings cos we spent so long updating other parts of the site we got behind on the VSTi listings -

Ok... basic's... 16 part multitibrel & 64 note poly, it has 8 outs (or 4 stereo) and a pan so you can have 8 seperate outs in the VST mixer if you like dedicated to 8 parts - Nice filters, 2 pole or 4 pole - Full midi record ability for the controls for tracking & recording synt moves, and it responds to velocity data too

2 osc' and a sub osc' it's a really suberb synth for pattern sounds such as trancey riff's, hardhouse and techno sounds etc - and it's real good at thumping basses for me.. not so keen on it for pads etc... it's good at like what it's sposed to imitate I guess, the Mini, & does good fx & synthdrum sounds etc as well...

Well worth getting into your armoury if you are a s/w synth freek! - Model.E has up to 128 presets in each bank and there are 5 banks of sounds included that you can load up... it comes with tons of quality sounds from the likes of Hubertus Maass etc - A great litle VSTi !!

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Added: 10 July 2001
New price: £149.00 squids !!
S/H price: -
Company:  Steinberg


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