aaa TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!! - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!

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Original Message 1/13             22-Apr-98  @  04:30 PM   -   TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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I just got a TB303 Finally and it came with a manual and let me tell you it is written so poorly...Does anyone know of a video or some other manual to read because this one sucks....

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Message 2/13             22-Apr-98  @  09:47 PM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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What do you need the manual for anyway?

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Message 3/13             23-Apr-98  @  11:03 PM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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have some fun and play with the damn thing. if you can't figure it out on your own, you shouldn't have one.

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Message 4/13             24-Apr-98  @  10:40 AM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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For gawds sake!!! There's just no pleasing
some folk!!! You got hold of a 303, is that not
enough? Figure it out on your own, that's
half the fun. And if you get stuck, consult
the manual and get even more confused, Doh!

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Message 5/13             18-May-98  @  10:21 AM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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Why complain?

You should be lucky to own that phat thing. I wish I had one.
Just fuck around with the knobs man and oh yeah, try the start stop button eh?
(how's that for an advise...)

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Message 6/13             18-May-98  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!

caltic dream


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all these entries might seam alitle harsh but hey man,its true,just fuck with it.

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Message 7/13             19-May-98  @  06:09 AM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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O.K. You are all right I don't know why I was complaning???AND to let you know I have got it TWEEKING..
Thanks for the tuff love...

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Message 8/13             20-May-98  @  07:24 AM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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Ramonvink, If you don't own one, don't assume it's so easy. If you don't have a manual, you're pretty much screwed! It definatly wasn't as easy as i thought it was. Although i did figure it out in 5 minutes. But Roland manuals are always written poorly. Just because someone has a hard time figuring out a manual doesn't mean they shouldn't own that particular piece of gear. Some people get a 303 and they they're fucking GOD or sumthin'. All of these answers were rude & uncalled for. All of us lucky enuf to have a 303 should be on eachother's side, not slaging one another. Don't you think???

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Message 9/13             20-May-98  @  02:14 PM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!


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Fuck this!! why is the god damn thing so expensive,
I mean ,if it still were produced ,
they would not be able to charge $1000 for
a piece of electronic junk...'
HeHe ,sorry but i desperately need to get started with my own music..
I have so many ideas ,and just a rotten ReBirth demo...

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Message 10/13             20-May-98  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: TB303 Manual SUCKS!!!!



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Imagine how much money Roland could make if they just would reissue the damn thing? No modifications, just the way we all know it to be. Charge $800 for it, they could make a killing. And anyone charging over $850 would get a good slap in the face!!

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