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Subject: hit it!

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Original Message 1/32             02-Dec-01  @  09:43 AM   -   hit it!


Posts: 348

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word. alright guys, I finally have something to show for my newest analog gear! new track up called: Chime along the 'B'. A neat breakbeat tune. Can I say break beat? does it break? blah, I sound like a 50'sish joke. anyway, Some of the vocal tones are off just by a hair, but I have no reference for keeping it on tune (and the ppl around me aren't any help)...

So, I hope you dig, and take a listen. peaceout y'all

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Message 2/32             02-Dec-01  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: hit it!



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o, there are some tones and sounds missing from the mp3 compression... I'll sort it out later.

do listen.

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Message 3/32             02-Dec-01  @  10:19 AM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 6231

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i think you've 'got it' for reals. hoping one day you'll stop being so loopy. sounds nice.

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Message 4/32             02-Dec-01  @  06:36 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 448

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This is really good. I like what you've done with the vocals, not too much of any of them. Nice falsetto bits. Not crazy about those snare buildups, personally, but at least they're not intrusive. You know, I really like that minimal part just after 4 minutes and it could be cool to intersperse a few more short bits like that earlier on, if you were going to do a different mix.

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Message 5/32             02-Dec-01  @  06:48 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 3872

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Excellent track dude. I love what you did with the vocals too. Nice you left it in stereo. Spaciously delicious. I think what you did with the snare builds. Fit in nicely. What's your new analog gear? Guess I should go back and see if you listed it.

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Message 6/32             02-Dec-01  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 2890

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nice incidental noises, 3rd for the vox, but i find the break a bit monotonous, cmon cut it up, ah go on, just a little  

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Message 7/32             02-Dec-01  @  10:19 PM   -   RE: hit it!



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you guys rock! thanks. I think I might do something more with the vocals - get'em even'ed out and less obvious on the ears... prolly make a vocal tune out of it...

xoxos: coming from you, I must be a real nut at times...

thanks y'all

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Message 8/32             02-Dec-01  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: hit it!



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O, can anyone guess who's vocal sample that is?

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Message 9/32             02-Dec-01  @  10:49 PM   -   RE: hit it!


Posts: 2890

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vera lynn innit?

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Message 10/32             02-Dec-01  @  11:06 PM   -   RE: hit it!



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hey btw xoxos: I didn't mean any negativity by that statement... just seemed fitting for some reason.

bedwyr: (hint), Outkast made a song about her.

sitar: newest analog gear - Sh-101, Juno-106, Octave Cat... lovely boards...

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