aaa ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable? - Samplers & sampling forums
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Subject: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?

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Original Message 1/21             03-Nov-02  @  02:07 PM   -   ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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Can anyone help me,new 2 scsi........thank's

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Message 2/21             04-Nov-02  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?

Def Z


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You'll need to get a centrex cable for the esi end, and a db-25 on the other. From there, you'll need an adapter that will turn a db-25 in a 68pin ultrawide where it connects into the 2940. At least that's how I'd do it. :-) Get good thick cables, too. The skinny ones break real easily.

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Message 3/21             04-Nov-02  @  07:40 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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ergh..can I say something?

first..its centronics  a big 50 pin connector (back of the ESI)

second...go on ebay...and if DZ is right you need the narrow little 68 scsi2 you can get a cable that is the centronics on one end and 68 pin on the need for an adapter

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Message 4/21             04-Nov-02  @  07:46 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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simple google searches answer a lot of these questions^^^^. I love taking 2 seconds to appear helpful.


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Message 5/21             04-Nov-02  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?

Def Z


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No kidding Dave? I didn't know that there was a cable with centronics (happy? :-) and a 68pin on the other? Wish I knew that when I bought the stuff 2 years ago. Yeah, I have the same setup as above.

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Message 6/21             04-Nov-02  @  08:47 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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yup...actually had one layin around it on ebay 

well, now ya know, and knowing is half the battle! 

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Message 7/21             04-Nov-02  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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If you're in the US.

This place is cheap for this kind of stuff. $13 for that cable.


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Message 8/21             05-Nov-02  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?


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heh. I find it hilarious when I think of how much these sorts of cables used to cost!

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Message 9/21             05-Nov-02  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?

Def Z


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Ay dios mio!!

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Message 10/21             07-Nov-02  @  06:57 AM   -   RE: ESI 4000+AHA-2940 Ultra,what cable?



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i must point out that on getting the adaptec AHA2940u i found out its 50 pin not 68 pin,the 68 is the wide version.Thank's for guy's

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