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Subject: cyclone

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Original Message 1/12             18-Feb-03  @  06:57 PM   -   cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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Finally got a legit and registered copy of Sonar XL. At the moment I'm just setting up templates checking out the dxis and fx. While I was playing around with cyclone I couldn't find any "slicing" paramaters if I loaded a wav. file it would not automaticly slice, so I saved the wav. file as a RIFF (acid) wave and reloaded it still no slices,
the loops that come on the sonar cd all slice fine but I am not able to adjust the slice points I am able to edit each slice but not edit the size/start/end of the slice. I guess I was expecting somthing like the sampler in orion where you load a file and then silce it and presto it's loaded and mapped. Sooo my question is if I want to have a wave file sliced up in cyclone do I have to slice it up myself in sound forge and load it up one slice at a time or am I just missing somthing ?

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Message 2/12             18-Feb-03  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: cyclone


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I wish I could help you on that one. I haven't even used Cyclone yet.   So much stuff to use. Hopefully Monsieur Cakewalk will pop in soon.

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Message 3/12             18-Feb-03  @  11:24 PM   -   RE: cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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I figured it out...... ok first apply grove clip looping then edit the loop in the loop construction view......then just drag that sonofabitch over to the loop bin in cyclone a there ya go all sliced up and ready to be mapped. Alright peace out back to playing

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Message 4/12             18-Feb-03  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: cyclone


Posts: 4573

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wow. i never knew it could do that! Excellent... that may eliminate my need for rewire!

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Message 5/12             19-Feb-03  @  12:23 AM   -   RE: cyclone

Yonce N Mild

Posts: 286

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still having a little trouble getting to grips with it. I'm trying to figure out the pad editor thing I'm not sure I understand the grid. is it a sequencer?

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Message 6/12             19-Feb-03  @  02:15 AM   -   RE: cyclone



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Yes - the grid is the sequencer.

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Message 7/12             19-Feb-03  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: cyclone


Posts: 33

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Glad you figured it out.

Here's a tip on our site that gives an overview of some of the things you can do with Cyclone:

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Message 8/12             19-Feb-03  @  10:35 PM   -   RE: cyclone



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Mr. Cakewalk,

Thanks for following this forum - it's really cool that you jump in every now and again to help us out. You're help is GREATLY appreciated.

I do have a question about Cyclone, though. I have 2.2 (legal copy) on my machine, and I would like to use Cyclone as a sample playback tool. However, if I load a .wav file of a kik drum in, assign it to key C2, load a .wav of a snare and assign it to key D2, and then trigger those samples from a midi loop I create, the samples get all choppy. Am I using Cyclone improperly, or is there something else going on? Thanks for the help.

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Message 9/12             20-Feb-03  @  04:00 AM   -   RE: cyclone


Posts: 4573

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conscience, does increasing the buffer size help at all?

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Message 10/12             20-Feb-03  @  11:45 PM   -   RE: cyclone


Posts: 4573

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Oh, it's so close! Cyclone would be killer with a few enhancements.

I'd like to be able to trigger the same pad polyphonically, and velocity volume scaling is absolutely required to regroove loops. A filter would be nice, even if it's only globally.

Just do what Dr.Rex in Reason does, but do it better and with multiple outs and you have a killer built-in-app.


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