aaa XOXOS' Fame - The lounge forums
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Subject: XOXOS' Fame

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Original Message 1/26             06-May-03  @  04:43 PM   -   XOXOS' Fame


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They even write about our fellow dt-er in Holland.....hehehe...

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Message 2/26             06-May-03  @  04:43 PM   -   XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 1309

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They even write about our fellow dt-er in Holland.....hehehe...

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Message 3/26             06-May-03  @  05:07 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 4573

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lol! He made them say "bitch," hahahahahahah!

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Message 4/26             06-May-03  @  05:19 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 1309

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'Bitch'? Don't you like lady-dawgs?

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Message 5/26             06-May-03  @  06:41 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 2082

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hey cool, too bad I forgot to pay interface for my subscription.. heh. I'll have to buy one at the kiosk

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Message 6/26             06-May-03  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 1309

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it's an old Interface...i have a few double copies including this can have em for free...if you come and pick em up here in Delft and have a few beers or something...

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Message 7/26             06-May-03  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 2082

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I was gonna ask which issue.. cause I've been cut off not too long ago- but forget it, I'll come drink a beer or two at your place. With a five minute drive it's about time we met  

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Message 8/26             06-May-03  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame


Posts: 6231

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i was kinda impressed by interface.. nice big articles on diy hardware and diy software.. (if this isn't true, leave me to my pleasant illusion of a less sold-out western culture)

btw i've been ported to hardware too so make way for my giant head (well pending you've got $4k to coff up)

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Message 9/26             07-May-03  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame



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How much have you made off of this venture?

I'm asking becuase I'm interested too.

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Message 10/26             07-May-03  @  08:06 AM   -   RE: XOXOS' Fame

Jock Munro

Posts: 840

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I cant read Dutch. you sure thats not an article from "Teenage Sperm" magazine ?

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