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Subject: conscientious people - can you help

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Original Message 1/19             10-May-03  @  04:34 PM   -   conscientious people - can you help


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i'm going to be releasing my singing vst effect in the next few days and i'm pretty sure it's going to draw a fair amount of interest.. ie. i can see just about every kvrian downloading it even if they can't be bothered to program a phonym sequence (ie. writing one controller automation command for each phonym.)

i'm releasing it under a 'thinkware' license.. ie. in return for use, i'm going to ask people only to think..

following this statement i want to include a few, brief lines.. hopefully people will respect my 'ingenuity' (such as it is) enough to read, but of course this is going ot be in the middle of people's lives, so like maybe one or two sentences is all i dare...

i've worked out several statements.. asking people to take a moment to consider the freeware paradigm.. (in simpler words..)

other statements..

use this plug-in to create, and be inspired for further creations. resist the urge to be entertained by mass media.

we do not all agree that land is property. it is our only source of preservation and sustenance. by making the land into money, we are forced to survive by either working to cheat others of their money, or by condoning the methods they use.

no one needs to tell you about the things that are evident to us all. avoid people who believe they are informing you about god or cosmological things. behind this there is only some need to influence your perspective. without it there is only respect for each other's capacity for awareness.

et c. et c. (those are the best worded so far..) but thats a lot to expect people to see and even read the first line..

so, y'all conscionable peeple.. course i consider myself to have a fair amount of insight and to be a fairly skilled communicator, but i'm also aware that my skills could be improved, and that even my most broadcasted phrasing tends to deter a good number of people..

what can i say, in a very few words, that will help, now that i have this 'opportunity?'

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Message 2/19             10-May-03  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


Posts: 673

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Don't know what you wanted to say (could be arsed reading it :p) but catch says...

"If your buying it - your owned"

"what you need is what youv'e got"

"we never stop playing"

"Believe and be true"

My shortest poem - "Flowers and leaves"

"The best things in life arn't things" - Someone else said that but thats cool also

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Message 3/19             10-May-03  @  08:40 PM     Edit: 10-May-03  |  09:03 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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"Kill your CEO!"

Hmm, might put some people off?

"Use this software for 'boy band' music and I'll hunt you down like the lower form of life that you are!"

Still no good, eh?


"use this plug-in to create, and be inspired for further creations. resist the urge to be entertained by mass media" the best of the lot to me. Its short and sweet

Since you will legally own the copyright you can put any restrictions on its use that you please.
Restrictions such as the number of copies of any song using it that my be sold for "profit", i.e.:

"While Thinkware is freeware, the following restrictions apply to its use: no more than 50,000 units (or some other number you're comfortable with) of any song or songs utilizing >insert clever freeware name here< may be sold for profit. There is no restriction on the number of copies of said song or songs that may be distributed for free."

Something like this, while hard to enforce (but not impossible if you were so inclined), makes your intention very clear in more than just a philosphical manner. I like this becuase it is a recontextualization of the current software paradigm. Instead of demanding money it demands, through a standard binding "software agreement"(I know, the one no one ever reads before installing any software), a certain level of artistic and personal integrity from the user. Written into the "software agreement" it would technically be legally binding.

Also, if you put no restrictions on the distribution of the freeware itself you will be making a further distinction regarding your position on such matters. Users can trade, give away or distribute to as many people as many copies of >insert clever freeware name here,< as they like, however, when using the software to make music there are some very specific rules that apply.

My 2 cents FWIW.

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Message 4/19             10-May-03  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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i like that.. a limitation on meme replication.. what do you think? wouldn't that suggest, to most people, that there might be something wrong with the concept of massive duplication? which would be just the right thing to get across.. thus disarming the control mechanisms.

i'm doing full non-commercial dist., commercial with notification and option to receive one of whatever is being produced.. familial pride thing.. final package includes full source material and tutorial.. it's finished, just got to make it pretty now.

it's not perfect, but should be intelligible in most fairly harmonicallyh rich source applications.. params for shifting size of speaker, breathiness, speed and amp of consonants, and mix.. meaning you can take a recording of waves on the sea and fade it into speaking and back out again...

real tired!

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Message 5/19             10-May-03  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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...course this might demand the inclusion of a second 'further thoughts' .txt file...

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Message 6/19             10-May-03  @  10:44 PM     Edit: 10-May-03  |  10:56 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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"a limitation on meme replication.. what do you think? wouldn't that suggest, to most people, that there might be something wrong with the concept of massive duplication?"

Yeah thats what I'm getting at. Having a .txt file with further thoughts might not be a bad idea but I would wiegh the cost. Think in terms of the singer/songwriter who explains the point behind every song. In the case of your software it also becomes less subversive. I think the recontextualization aspect is really important. Using the same mechanisms as the enemy (so to speak) uses but outside the normal mass media profit motive context is key to furthering the cause. By being subtle, you are inserting a virus into the sytem that is only "fatal" if the software is, in the context of the software agreement, misused.

Imagine someone using your software and making a "hit". Not having read the "software agreement" (it looks like any other, right?) they manufacture and distribute the song beyond the limitations of the agreement. After making x-amount of money they are sued with the result being that they must refund, to the purchasers of the CDs, all monies recieved after the distribution limits were exceeded. However, upon the refund of monies, they CANNOT force the surrender of ANY product because it now falls under the "free" distribution clause in the software agreement. NO ONE makes any money, even for "damages", off the litigation or the whole thing becomes a study in hypocrisy of the highest order. the implications of such a scenario would be unprecedented.

Now from the opposite side As before, think about the idea of someone creating a "hit" then discovering, because of a software agreement, they are not allowed to make over a certain amount of money. They are not allowed, by contract law, to be greedy. Knowing that they can, however, distribute as many FREE copies of said "hit" as they like they will be put in a position to seriously consider their motives and perhaps modify their behavior by following the model set by the software agreement. Think of this situation, adhearance to the software agreement, as an inocualtion in that the virus is not fatal to those who read, understand, and follow, the software agreement.

None of this works if the software doesn't become indespensible. Imagine if AutoTune used a software agreement like this (irony intended). ;)

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Message 7/19             10-May-03  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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Here's a famous dutch poem, I'll try to translate...I'm no poet so translating is a bit of a bitch.

"When looked at from the moon,
we're all all equally great. "

Here's anotherone:

"All things valuable are defenceless."

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Message 8/19             11-May-03  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help

man called clay


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File?:  No file i only begin to understand you and fathom the depth of your....commtiment to doing the right THINGS>>>>>
i can only say if your intention is to be met...then i think you should make said release more exclusive....alas accessible only to those who've demonstrated dignity and loyalty to values higher than money and fame itself. i think your setting this up as some famous freeware program that would encourage the already unenlightened included.... is bewildering in it's innocence.
for sure there will be those who's main aim is to subvert your desired intentions and do the EXACT opposite. i sense an underlying need for recognition....which is okay by me. i know this, too. but you're setting yourself up for disappointment here. your product will be subverted and blemished.....if only because man is an evil bastard.....enough of the time just to spite your dreamy intellect and soul.

i say make it's free anyways so who cares if only 50 select individuals gets it or only 1000 select individuals get it. who knows? maybe one day five thousand or 50 thousand will have it.

it's like the weed.....oh sure bliss and consciousness my much?...hmmm...this special edition is only....

they will win every time you allow them.
keep it slightly wrapped....and
tightly if necessary.
you seem to do enough moaning as it is my friend.

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Message 9/19             11-May-03  @  02:06 AM     Edit: 11-May-03  |  02:27 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help


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there's the first test.. couple of things to fix.. the fricative noise levels, and the plosive envelope timing. used crystal presets for tonal variety.

sounds like a tts and a vocoder..

clay: had the page open for hours.. already been appropriated, not a chance of making this exclusive. who are you anyway.

as far as recognition goes, recently i used the term 'paradigm shift' :p some intelligent person said it was self-important of me to think in such terms.. "paradigms shifts occur of their own volition.." he told me.

well when i was a very little boy, my pa (the multinational intelligence agent raised ute - give me a chuckle :p) told me that some of my ancestors were huguenots, who chose to jump off a cliff rather than renounce their religion, and that it was foolish to surrender life for an idea. i came away from the tell with the impression that if human beings are still insistent enough to require death due to someone's ideas, then certainly the idea that this is wrong is much more important than a single person's life, since these events occured many hundreds of years ago. he set it up all nice for me he did.

that's where i'm coming from, clay.

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Message 10/19             11-May-03  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: conscientious people - can you help

man called clay


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and that's where your detractors would make a cause de celebre of augmenting your vehicle for contrary purposes.
to politicize technological advancement at this point is to only dilute the purity of the machine to which you've given life.

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