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Subject: What scale(s) this could be?

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Original Message 1/18             02-Jun-03  @  07:04 PM   -   What scale(s) this could be?



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I made a melody with these notes: A#, C, C#, F, G#. It has chords and some single notes. At the moment it's just a short loop (2 bars/measures). I have a friend who plays guitar and we are trying to make it longer... but there is a little problem... we are not sure what scale that could be...... we figured it might be Dorian from A# or Major from C#. I don't want to use Major at this particular track because it's too happy scale. And my friend says he can't play Dorian because it's not a "normal" scale... it's a "mode" or something like that.

So.. my questions are:

1. What other scales are using those notes I mentioned?

2. Is it difficult to make a new guitar melodies with Dorian if you haven't used that scale before?

Ps. I would like to make a track that has Celtic, Blues, Funk or some "exotic" vibe (arabic, indian, turkish etc..). But you can suggest any scale that might fit to those notes.

Big thanks in advance.  

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Message 2/18             02-Jun-03  @  10:34 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?


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man i never understand this way of thinking.

use sounds not notes, innit. please fill more info in here coz i don't get it. (not that it matters if i dunna get it)

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Message 3/18             03-Jun-03  @  08:18 AM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?

Semi Pro Bro


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So your after a minor scale. Well they have a semi tone gap between the 2nd and 3rd and a semi tone gap between the 5th and 6th notes of the scale. The notes you have shown don't make any traditional scale that I can see.

Most scales have 7 notes or 6 notes if its a blues scale. I can't work outr a scale that would work with the notes you have provided.

The problem is that you only have a semi tone gap between all your notes but I'm sure someone will come onto this thread and say "music has no rules" or "break the rules" or some shit like that so ignore everything I have said.

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Message 4/18             03-Jun-03  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?


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b flat minor

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Message 5/18             03-Jun-03  @  10:42 AM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?



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Bb - C - Db - Eb - F - Gb - A - Bb

But Beds, there's no A in his scale?

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Message 6/18             03-Jun-03  @  12:25 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?

Mega Hurtz

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I agree. You gotta use the 7th note of a scale in dance music. What's a bassline without the 7th. Rubbish, that's what.

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Message 7/18             03-Jun-03  @  03:19 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?


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i didn't say which minor did i? :P

use an Ab innit. which makes it dorian or something. and what do you mean you can't use dorian coz it's a mode? that's just dumb.

bloody guitarists.

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Message 8/18             03-Jun-03  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?

Mega Hurtz

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Nah, you gotta flattern the 7th in a minor scale surely? ;-p

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Message 9/18             03-Jun-03  @  03:31 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?


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i said a flat, drop.

err, i mean filthy mcnasty err .. radio slave, errr ...

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Message 10/18             03-Jun-03  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: What scale(s) this could be?

Mega Hurtz

Posts: 12

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