aaa squarepusher Square-bass - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: squarepusher Square-bass

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Original Message 1/22             03-Jun-03  @  04:19 PM   -   squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 399

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Hi all,

anyone know how to achieve the bass sound squarepusher so loves to use...

It sounds to me like its a sqaure wave as its quite hollow, but with some res for a bit of squelch and filter env for a rounded sound...but no amount of tweaking has got me near the sound- the sound appears on his 'untitled' single and i would love to know how to achieve it- it may well be an FM sound but am not sure.....quality synth tone thou- any ideas?

let us know if you need an audio snippet


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Message 2/22             03-Jun-03  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 472

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I'd like to listen to an mp3 of that bass.


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Message 3/22             04-Jun-03  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass



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I've got music is rotted one note, but that's the only one I have anymore!!!!

I'd like to hear an "audio snippet"


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Message 4/22             04-Jun-03  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 139

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tried to upload a short sample but the server rejected it- it was an mpeg layer 3- at 96kbs- so dunno how else i can let you hera what i mean- doh!


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Message 5/22             04-Jun-03  @  10:10 AM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 712

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how big was it? there's file limit of 500kb.

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Message 6/22             04-Jun-03  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 399

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Only 476 or something- def under 500mb- the error message said it was something to do with the type of file....

ill have another go and get more detail from the error...


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Message 7/22             04-Jun-03  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 139

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Error Diagnostic Information
Error processing CFFILE tag

The MIME type of the uploaded file (audio/x-mpeg) was not accepted by the server. Please verify that you are uploading a file of the appropriate type.

The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of (CFFILE), occupying document position (8:1) to (15:28) in the template file C:\HTTPD\HTDOCNEW\DANCETECH\AA_DT_NEW\FORUMS\ADD_FILE.TXT.

Date/Time: 06/04/03 12:37:44
Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)
Remote Address:
HTTP Referer:
Query String: Title=&Age=30

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Message 8/22             04-Jun-03  @  01:02 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 4573

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Message 9/22             04-Jun-03  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 4573

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File?:  No file

oh, sounds like a pretty standard square wave bass (for the lowend). layered with that seems to be a saw (or even perhaps a square wave with some pulse width on it... not PW modulation, just a fixed duty cycle other than 50/50 for some grit. I like to use extreme settings for square waves) apply all the aforementioned resonant filtering and enveloping to the higher spectrum of the saw/pulse wave and leave the solid square bass untouched to anchor the sound. And of course a good overdrive will truly make it spit. I'm sure SP is using quality analog gear for this purpose... dirty dirty tubes!


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Message 10/22             04-Jun-03  @  01:39 PM   -   RE: squarepusher Square-bass


Posts: 139

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

nice but its not the sound i was talkin' about- unfortunatley cant get the upload to work for love nor money......


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