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Subject: gosh durn blue screen on boot

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Original Message 1/23             05-Nov-03  @  08:31 AM   -   gosh durn blue screen on boot


Posts: 7627

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ok..made some changes recently to the audio box.

added 512mb ram
new processor athlon XP2400
added, or rather replaced, a hard drive

theres two IDE hds running, one 20gig for apps, one 80gig partitioned for audio/backup was all working great...but, now, when its booting I get a blue screen that says something along the lines of "hardware malfunction. please contact your hardware manufacturer. system has halted"

the first time it did it I just hard reset and fired up...then tonight it did it twice before firing up, and now...wont boot to windows

I tried disconnecting the additional drive, took out a RAM chip, etc...but still seems it might be the 20gig causing problems...

my question is this...when I put the new drive in, I used partition magic to delete/merge a partition that was on the 20 gig, where it used to be C/E drive, i made it just C:

Ive read that PM can cause some funny shit...could that be it?


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Message 2/23             05-Nov-03  @  08:47 AM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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I get a blue screen that says something along the lines of

i think we'd need an EXACT error message, but you could try booting into SAFE mode & bypass non-essential drivers...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/23             05-Nov-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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Did you by any chance replace a SCSI drive with that 20 GB drive?

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Message 4/23             05-Nov-03  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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no but I replaced a SCSI drive with the 80gig that is now partitioned for audio/backup


anyway..k..thanks..but it does it when trying to go into safe mode

the message I typed was pretty much all it says. I might have missed a word or two but there's no error code or anything else, just those three sentences 

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Message 5/23             05-Nov-03  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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well, after 2 hours of trials, it seems to be the new RAM chip I just bought.

was working perfectly, but...after pulling EVERYTHING and still getting the blue screen, I pulled that second RAM chip, and it booted fine

put it back in, blue screen

pulled it. boots ok

put it in the #1 slot (where my other RAM chip that Ive had for 2 years now was)...wouldnt even POST! seems pretty obvious what the prob is. Off to call NewEgg for an exchange!

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Message 6/23             06-Nov-03  @  02:07 AM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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well CRAP

back at square one.

heh...I thought I had it nailed, as after pulling the RAM chip it was working fine.

but now...back to this:


that is ALL it says. no codes, no nothin. how fcking vague!


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Message 7/23             06-Nov-03  @  02:42 AM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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an incredibly super crazy long shot off in the distance somewhere:

could be your cpu (most likely your motherboard tho): try underclocking your cpu.. turn off CPU cache...

see if it runs then.

also.. take every card out... everything that you don't need... you probably just need the video card if it's not on board.


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Message 8/23             06-Nov-03  @  07:55 AM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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did all that already.

sucky thing is, I already shipped the RAM off today..heh..thought I had if figgered out, and then it pulled the same message on me

btw...I hadnt realized that there was an MS database that explains error messages. Unfortunately this one is vague as shit.

something tells me it had something to do with removing the partition using partition magic. Vague memory of hearing that potentially causing problems

dunno...gonna rip it down to bare bones tomorrow and see what I come up with

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Message 9/23             06-Nov-03  @  08:25 AM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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so this is all happening before windows loads? What happens when you disconnect your boot drive (obviously it won't boot to OS, but do you get the error message?)

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Message 10/23             06-Nov-03  @  05:38 PM   -   RE: gosh durn blue screen on boot


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hadnt tried that

but..I can get into bios just fine...but I will try that. danke

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