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Subject: september 11th

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Sep-02  @  08:27 PM   -   september 11th



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a well done slide show.

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Message 101/188             13-Sep-02  @  11:56 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 7627

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heh. I guess bigot is a more generalized term.

I think of archie bunker...

dunno..the bottom line is...the system that is in power to protect and provide has lost sight of its initial purpose and is overstepping its bounds into realms that ought to be left untouched by government.

"I love my country but I fear my government"

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Message 102/188             13-Sep-02  @  11:59 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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perhaps the "us"/"them" thing is because these guys have a clearly defined "us.."

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Message 103/188             14-Sep-02  @  12:14 AM     Edit: 14-Sep-02  |  12:15 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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actually, iŽll be all the way over ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> here.

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Message 104/188             14-Sep-02  @  12:38 AM     Edit: 14-Sep-02  |  12:41 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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ahh, x  

nail/head thing

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Message 105/188             14-Sep-02  @  01:07 AM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 2003

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ok, kids, some fucked up things have been said here, and that's ok. I think you're missing the point here.

I hear a lot of bitching on all sides, and not a lot of thought put into viable alternatives. I mean really viable. People talk of things like revolution, and getting people out of office one way or another, and even replacing or massively modifying the infrastructural systems of politics, philosophy/consciousness and even ecology that we have...but then what? What's actually going to work here? Just keeping the same system in place with new faces in it, and trying to unfuck the pregnant-with-planethopper beast that humanity has become with new legislation and PR?? Planetwide neo-tribalism in a post-catastrophic landscape, trying to sort of start over with less people and a better developed sense of mass-mind, less ecological impact, with more focus on responsibilities and consequences for each action, personal and mass? Maybe. Maybe we're talking about trying to repopulate a cinder, from moonstock.

Folks on this planet better get it figured out pretty quick that we've gotta start worrying about bigger problems than what each of us calls the almighty, or it won't matter a bit. The day is coming closer.

No ideas on the Talbot. *shrugs*


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Message 106/188             14-Sep-02  @  10:16 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is
indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.... And when the drums of war
have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing
the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded with patriotism, will offer up all of their
rights unto the leader, and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

William Shakespeare

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Message 107/188             14-Sep-02  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Thanks heaven for Shakespeare. Shakespeare and Pongoid back to back. Kewl.

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Message 108/188             14-Sep-02  @  02:43 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 6231

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viable solutions? wo-hoa, i'm afraid they're a long way off.

nowadays, if you want a drive somewhere, you want a truck. this means that you are willing to compromise the well being of animals and insects that encounter your windshield/tires/bumper for your own interests.

this alone will guarantee that you are not capable of harmonious peace, since it is thus natural for you to consider others interests as discardable if-needs-must. the very concept of vehicular travel equates to brutality. and as it has been said, 'cause kills at will.' remove the cause, you remove the kill. but.. you're all so easily spurred into ambition..

unfortunately, short of a global/cultural disaster, the only way forward is going to be through the distribution of fantastic nondestructive energy sources, since most people want what exists. i'm sorry, but that's the way it is.

the most secure route to making this planet any sort of decent place to live is through increased realisation, and the way humans are wiring each other down to make them realise intersupport systems (ie. to realise what a non-self perspective wishes them to realise) it's not going to happen. there will be no realisation while commercial interests in media endure.

for those who read my page on confluence on the old azstarnet site (not there anymore) this is the foundation.. without foundation of experiential realisation, there can be no theorem for enactment of considerate being. no con-science.

if everyone would just take lsd for a year! just one year!!  

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Message 109/188             14-Sep-02  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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no need for lsd, it's mushie season  

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Message 110/188             14-Sep-02  @  04:57 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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mush mush!!...

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