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Subject: I have a question...

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Apr-05  @  12:01 AM   -   I have a question...


Posts: 102

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I have a question... expert advice needed (psy or whoever?).

I'm doing multiple projects in recording music. Stuff for my boss and stuff on the personal side. I need a tracking pre-amp under $ 1200 for recording (cheaper is okay): piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and for me synths and fx.

I use a digi 001 at the moment so I will need a preamp that bypasses the digi001 and uses the digital in... wether spdif or optical. I'm not sure of the specs.

I'm looking for something thats transparent/flat and better than the digi001's pre's. I dont have a great understanding about jittter and such... so clocking will be an issue.

My biggest beef right now is that I'm not achieving the results I want. Things sound good at low volume but they sound mediocre at loud volumes. I'm looking for something that will help me friendly equalize, compress and track sounds for a better result.

here's the mic setup: Two m149's on piano, tlm103 on acoustic guitar, tlm103/akg c12/sm57 on vox. SM57/TLM103 on electric guitar

I need something universal for all of these setups. Think A to D. I'm bypassing the digi 001 on a fairly limited budget. I dont want apogee.

Anyhow, any advice would be great as I have to do audio work for HD and I'm currently producing and writting some music used for no apparent reason :-) thanks y'all -Andrew

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Message 11/14             14-Apr-05  @  04:35 AM     Edit: 14-Apr-05  |  04:35 AM   -   RE: I have a question...


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Hey look at that, d's right. Gotta click that picture to enlarge innit... I thought that was absurdly cheap for stereo at that quality. Guess I was right. Hey, I told you I never used one  

I would still recommend that over the 610 if you want clean.

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Message 12/14             14-Apr-05  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: I have a question...


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how 'bout the sytech? US$890 for 4 channels.

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Message 13/14             17-Apr-05  @  11:14 AM     Edit: 17-Apr-05  |  11:57 PM   -   RE: I have a question...


Posts: 102

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Yeah, the 149 is thin... not too much, but your right ---> bright as hell. I noticed that when recording some vox, the sibilants were over the top. I had a female vocal comparison with the akg c12 and found the m149 to be waaayy hyped at the top end. It's a flat and absolutely beautiful mic (I wonder about the original, hehheh), but the highs are over-bearing. It's definitley a choice piece as most mics are.

The specs on the pre you recomended are perfect. Flat, perfect response, and spec'd out to suit an audiophile who depends on numbers and pre's that do absolutley nothing to a sound.

Psy, you should really give some time to this site and make an article about the applications of different mics and pre's... giving some hard earned knowledge so people make better decisions. We got shit for audio studios where I live, so I cant get the hands on. Your effort is truly appreciated. take care man. -Andrew

PS - I havent got the pre's yet, but I'll be sure to give some sort of response. My ears are finally tuning to these mics now... I just love it! :-)

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Message 14/14             17-Apr-05  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: I have a question...


Posts: 4573

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well, frankly the mics and pres I use regularly are a bit out of budget for most folks that frequent DT. Not to be a snob, just stating what I perceive... but I'm more than happy to help out with specific questions.

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