aaa SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM - Music techology forums
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Subject: SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Jan-98  @  10:57 AM   -   SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM



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I got a problem. I can't seem to get any of the midi ins or outs to work on either of my soundcards anymore. The cards are an AWE64gold and Tropez Plus. I had trouble with one of them and tried to reinstall them. I've reloaded the drivers, but nothing seems tio work. If anyone can help out I'd appreciate it.

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Message 11/14             18-Jan-98  @  12:36 PM   -   RE: SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM


Posts: 15

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It opens and closes alright. I just can't access it. It goes back tommorrow!

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Message 12/14             19-Jan-98  @  06:36 AM   -   RE: SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM


Posts: 1

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yeah, dat's da fuckin' spirit. shit don't work, BOMB DA BITCH!!!

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Message 13/14             19-Jan-98  @  10:20 AM   -   RE: SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM



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sounds like all the fucking games are shagging stuff up..... d'yo just get a game and load it, demo's 2 ?...... games are a 100% killer for shagging stuff up ......they can do all sorts of crap to your system....

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Message 14/14             20-Jan-98  @  11:28 AM   -   RE: SouNDcaRD miDI PRoBLeM


Posts: 15

Link?:  Link

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Well, I've been a bit busy the last couple of days and haven't had a chance to take it back yet, and I've gotta work again tommorow, so I'll have to wait until thursday... Game's aren't a problem.. For a number of months I couldn't get Reality to work with Logic, but it worked with every other sequencer I tried. None of the Emagic wankers could help me, kept telling me my registration wasn't in or some shit, bunch of pricks.. That's the problem Jedi Knight fixed when it checked all my soundhardware. Unfortunately the game didn't work. I don't run many games anyway, just MDK, G Police, the Sahdows of the Empire demo(hoth) and that's about it. I may have tried a couple of others, but have never had any problems.

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