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Subject: What do YOU use?

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Original Message                 Date: 28-May-00  @  12:05 AM   -   What do YOU use?



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Just wondering what programs (sequencers) everyone uses to program drum n bass beats/songs.

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Message 11/16             02-Jun-00  @  01:37 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?


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You are not alone. I use mostly my MPC for dnb. For everything else my Mac and VST do the trick quite well.


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Message 12/16             03-Jun-00  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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acid?... 'phrase/loop arranger'... primarily, but you can also create custom beats from single-shot drum samples, not just loops

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Message 13/16             07-Jun-00  @  01:33 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?


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gotta add that I know a certain pro who uses acid almost exclusively now for sequencing. I am MAD impressed with that program after watching a pro use it to the fullest extent!

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Message 14/16             07-Jun-00  @  04:55 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?


Posts: 424

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acid is also good for live stuff,

you know when someone sees you studio and goes 'can I have a go'

just load up acid and have a folder with about 20 loops that sound good together and leave em to it... in about an hour they have a track that sounds good and they can even take it away with em to show off to.. erm, girls or summit.

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Message 15/16             07-Jun-00  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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I'm interested in this "fruity loops" thing,where can I get it and is it free?I don't use a pc for anything musical(except for putting samples onto floppies) but is it some sort of sequencer like cubase or is it a drum machine thing with editable mods like rebirth?

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Message 16/16             08-Jun-00  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: What do YOU use?



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fruity dont take mods it just takes samples think of it as a drum machine with samples that can also do loops and trigger notes and more, it excells at being a musical sketch pad for me whole songs end up coming out of it though (gimme fruity and a mike and ill make a whole album!)

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