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Subject: Longhorn XP

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Original Message                 Date: 10-Mar-03  @  12:00 AM   -   Longhorn XP

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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I know it's not due for a couple of years, but what do you guys think? There have been several leaks already and all I've heard is good news about this OS. It looks like Microsoft might be really starting to compete with stable OS's.



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Message 11/16             14-Mar-03  @  07:49 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP


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New file system too... No more NTFS or FAT32....

And check this pic out...

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Message 12/16             14-Mar-03  @  07:50 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP


Posts: 505

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oh, and XP is just as stable as OSX, if not more so.

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Message 13/16             14-Mar-03  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP


Posts: 2707

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I agree on the stability. Like a rock  

The new file system is actually a database.. Embedded SQL server.


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Message 14/16             14-Mar-03  @  10:04 PM     Edit: 14-Mar-03  |  10:08 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Didn't realise they were on 5 yet! I certainly hope you can revert to the original simple windows design. That just looks scary   Kinda like the interface to Wipeout2097 I'm sure one of those icons on the bottom right is the 'Electrobolt'  . But reports from those with leaked copies have stated that M$ have drastically improved the stability to better Windows XP! So I am really looking forward to this.


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Message 15/16             16-Mar-03  @  01:24 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP



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But just like XP, Mac OS etc. it's wasting so many damn clock cycles!!! All those crappy animations and high colour destops etc.

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Message 16/16             16-Mar-03  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: Longhorn XP



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you just switch the view to classic. and don't use any of the advanced features of the new interface. turn it off and it looks like windows 98. there are a bunch of stuff you do in xp to make it perform better for audio. but to really maximize it you have to set all the services to manual, including the networking. all that stuff slows the system down. i am about to get my first mac here in a few weeks. don't know what to expect, but I am optimistic and look forward to learning more about os, and osx.

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