aaa Semitone settings = layered notes? - Theory / composition / technique forums
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Subject: Semitone settings = layered notes?

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Original Message                 Date: 20-Jan-04  @  04:05 AM   -   Semitone settings = layered notes?



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Hello, I am not a musician so this may seem elementary; I am wondering if you were to say program an analogue synth so that oscillator 2 is set at negative say .... 7. If you were to play one single note, are you really in a sense playing two notes? Is it entirely equivalent to playing C and F notes simultaneous? Ok, so it is a primitive question but please humor me with an answer.

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Message 11/17             23-Jan-04  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?



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Well done dancetech peoples.
I will half to play around with these concepts however clearly I like the idea from psylichon. That seems a brilliant way to control the harmony with a very easy way to be able to control the amount of the amount of bad notes. I will drop a question or two more here in the future, outstanding help overall.


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Message 12/17             29-Jan-04  @  06:11 PM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?

younger brother


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If you have a sync function (btw.. is 'ring modulator' another name for it? I dunno why that came into my mind) in your synth then it might be different thing... at least when I tune OSC_2 plus or minus 7 semis and use sync I can play melodies without sounding 'out of tune'/'out of scale'/'atonal?(just learned a term)........ maybe a bit offtopic... have a nice day.  

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Message 13/17             29-Jan-04  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?


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Sync and ringmod are not the same thing... What sync does is slaves the start of a cycle from one oscillator to another oscillator.. So what you can have is a wave that "restarts" in the middle of a cycle. Ring modulation is entirely different.


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Message 14/17             30-Jan-04  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?


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yeah... sync has no effect on the pitch, its more for timbral variation.

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Message 15/17             30-Jan-04  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?


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And has an important effect on FM too.


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Message 16/17             30-Jan-04  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?


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really? hmm.... i *think* i used that once... gotta try it again then  

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Message 17/17             14-Feb-04  @  09:45 PM   -   RE: Semitone settings = layered notes?


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I can't cruze by this site without writing something can I...

MC keep in mind that be detuning OSC1 by +5, and OSC2 by +7, the perceived sound
will be detuned by approx +6.

What gets me is that, by detuning certain notes in a scale, it make the scale progression sound completely different, and if you use synthetic sounds, it doesn't sound "off" unlike a detuned piano. I guess more like a guitar, no one notices detuned notes in a solo.

Two detuned sine oscillators is the same as one sine oscillator modulated by a LFO oscillating at their frequency difference.

But two detuned saw-tooth's....just sounds wicked.

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