aaa phasin' hell- im outta my depth..... - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....

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Original Message                 Date: 14-Mar-05  @  09:57 AM   -   phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


Posts: 399

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Hi all,

i'm currently having a phasing issue i need to correct- my drums and bass are all going into a subgroup- with that subgroup going out as mono into a filter/eq/comp and back into a channel on my mixer filtered to buggery- now all is good when the channel is played on its own or when the original is played on its own but obviously when they mix i get phasing issues at certain frequencies, im not playing the two at the same volume- the filtered version sits under the main- so im thinking the only way to correct this is change the phase of the mono lead coming outta the group and feeding the filter- but i dontr how to change the phase- is it case of swapping the two internal wires over at one side of the lead- as you can see im outta my depth but want to know how to solve this...

HARDWARE- stereo signal->subgroup->mono out->filter->back into channel of mixer= huge phase- help!


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Message 11/19             15-Mar-05  @  04:48 AM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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little labs IBP allows you variable phase correction. I think you'd be really lucky if a straight polarity switch fixed this. isn't the delayed return gonna act like a frequency dependant comb filter?

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Message 12/19             15-Mar-05  @  10:15 AM     Edit: 15-Mar-05  |  10:15 AM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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"isn't the delayed return gonna act like a frequency dependant comb filter?"


"The IBP analog phase alignment tool is available direct from Little Labs for $550"


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Message 13/19             15-Mar-05  @  08:24 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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damn audio geeks.

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Message 14/19             16-Mar-05  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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"The IBP analog phase alignment tool is available direct from Little Labs for $550"

oooh ill have two then!!!

ive basically had to work around it- strange im sure ive heard the technique used before, guess its reserved for the pros...hehehe


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Message 15/19             18-Mar-05  @  01:41 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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i put an except here- although ive changed the structure now there should be in the middle an example of the phasing- also if anyone has any constructive balance/eq criticisms i would be most grateful....ive done this loop to death but im not sure if ive completely over done the bass



edit: doh!too big- its where that link is....

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Message 16/19             18-Mar-05  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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greg, is that a 'max filesize' thing - I'm thinking toi bump it up beyond 10mb to a bit more (soundclick is closed for maintainance)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/19             18-Mar-05  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


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beyond 10mb? lol... that'd be cool

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Message 18/19             18-Mar-05  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


Posts: 399

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yeah would be way cool....hell 2 megs would do- equates to about 2mins mp3 time i believe- despite my tracks having mix issues i refuse to encode less than 128- :P

soundclick is down for maintenance? now theres a surprise- i secretly think 'maintenance' stands for song stealing- their 'hotness' alarm must have gone off when i uploaded the beat and they are now currently downloading it and packing it off as the next big thing.....or perhaps not


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Message 19/19             18-Mar-05  @  04:43 PM   -   RE: phasin' hell- im outta my depth.....


Posts: 712

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sign up here then innit. you can only post 500kb in the forum

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