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Subject: Mixing for MP3 Conversion

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Nov-00  @  03:40 PM   -   Mixing for MP3 Conversion


Posts: 12

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Can anyone provide some info or links to info about tweaking my mix prior to converting to MP3? Sometimes the kick drum and other details just dissapear when set to any lower bitrate.

For example:

Hi-Fi at is okay


Anyone??? Ferris???

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Message 11/22             16-Nov-00  @  12:12 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion



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how stupid do i feel now......  
Life long journey truly.

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Message 12/22             17-Nov-00  @  05:50 AM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion


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Yeah but I got a track with a doubled-up kik (like when you double a vocal track) and it sounds great! NOT hard panned but just enuff to give a huge sense of space...worked for me anyway.

As far as mixing for MP3, I had this sneaking suspicion that maximized/excited/HOT mixes always sounded worse than a mix with a little headroom when encoded to MP3. Reading thru a Media Cleaner Pro4 manual, they said the same thing! But I'm not that picky to make a seperate mix just for MP3- it's gonna sound like shit anyway...


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Message 13/22             17-Nov-00  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion


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hey! good theme, check out if mixing 'for' mp3 conversion has worked:

thx & greetings

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Message 14/22             17-Nov-00  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion

Defector Z


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fuck off spammers!!!!!! stoopit bastard.

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Message 15/22             17-Nov-00  @  06:57 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion


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The only exception I can think to that stereo drum rule is stereo miked (x-y, m-s, etc) overheads, that is recording the kit as a single instrument. Even then, you close mike the kick and snare. In mono. A stereo kick. Ha!

Unfornately, it seems some people equate how high all the meters go in winamp with sound quality. Squeeze those last couple of decibels of apparent volume out. I tend to think it's better sounding to go easy on all that limiting and compression and leave some dynamics and headroom in the tunes.

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Message 16/22             17-Nov-00  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion



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that's 'unfortunately'

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Message 17/22             17-Nov-00  @  07:30 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion


Posts: 486

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Hey that 'stereo' kik soundz great! I mean,
duh, it's from a mono source, I just
double-tracked it in the chorus : P

And I dunno, I have some nice sounding
STEREO drum samples from Bob
Clearmountain that I have certainly put to
good use...

Anyway,speaking of levels in winamp, have
you ever decoded a MP3 to wav and seen
how LOW the level is? It's weird...guess
that's why winamp's got a pre-amp?


ps looking forward to your email damballah,

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Message 18/22             17-Nov-00  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion

Defector Z


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I mixed to Winamps levels for a while. I learned how bad an idea that was as soon as I played the mix somewhere else.

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Message 19/22             19-Nov-00  @  06:32 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion



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just a note about the doubling of mono sounds,unless you slightly detune or delay one of them all you are effectively doing is doubling the amplitude.

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Message 20/22             20-Nov-00  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: Mixing for MP3 Conversion

Defector Z


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Off-set them a tiny fration of a second and you get a cool phasing sound. :-)

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