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Subject: Mackie alternatives

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Mar-02  @  12:38 AM   -   Mackie alternatives


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what say you ?- me mate Lee has been somewhat pissed off by mackies recent price INCREASE on their 24/8 - he was all set to buy one then they rammed the rpice by about 500 quid! - he's still prepared to go for it, but.... alternatives?

I suggested the GHOST - what say you?...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/24             30-Mar-02  @  01:17 AM     Edit: 30-Mar-02  |  01:19 AM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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ha ha ha - what a comparison! chuckle - so um... if you use an all NEVE rack then you "like a big butt y'all!!" ??

heh heh

Ghosts aint been around 10 years tho have they??

have you seen the new soundcraft dig mixer?.. looks flipping TASTY!! (image) - 32/8

it's got 2 x lexicon fx units in it and also has a mode to work as a synth controller transmitting midi CC's for controller use!!! - wow!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/24             30-Mar-02  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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yeah, nicely rounded warm ass. Not flubby, but plenty of the right stuff. I was selling ghosts in '96, so six years, and even now I don't see all that many around, actually. Not a good sign, I'd say.

The 328XD does look nice. Still, kinda reminds me of an elephant talking to John Holmes, saying "Cute, but can you eat peanuts with it?", next to a D8B.


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Message 13/24             30-Mar-02  @  08:28 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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whats the price difference between 'em?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 14/24             30-Mar-02  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives

Defector Z


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Thanks Ape. Now I understand.

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Message 15/24             30-Mar-02  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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the d8b sounds realy good but the pris,the crapy Eqs and lazy gates= no, no, no!!!

Assuming your not dealing with elec. music, i rather go for the soundcraft (c.over), or the ghost.

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Message 16/24             31-Mar-02  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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did you just say d8b has crap pre´s, eq and gates? and you mean the v3?

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Message 17/24             31-Mar-02  @  03:59 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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?!? Really? First complaint I've heard of any sort about that board. You the one finding this, or you just reading it? I'm not saying it's not possible, but I find it hard to believe. I've messed with one a bit, didn't get super far into it, but it seemed the business when I tried it. Please expand on these claims. Crappy EQ and gates how?

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Message 18/24             31-Mar-02  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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strange innit. especially since i´ve been using one extensively for the last 4 month or so, recording and mixing lot of live instruments. its not a neve, for sure, but otherwise its perfectly fine sounding and more than usable. and the "british eq" mode is supposedly based on analog trident design.

maybe i just misunderstood the guy?

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Message 19/24             31-Mar-02  @  05:47 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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(yes the d8b, oh no how is it possible...!?!)
Yes the d8b sounds really good: very close to the warmness of the analog sound; the fully automation works very smouthly; but I get better results with some dbx Eqs and some dbx gates, than with the internal one.

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Message 20/24             01-Apr-02  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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I suppose it's quite possible in that repsect. There are plenty of really nice EQ's and Comps, and Gates out there. Mackie isn't necessarily the be-all end-all in ANY respect. I've heard plenty better. Haven't A/B'd against the Sony yet, but anyhoos, if it works, it works. Use what works, and what will continue to work. That's not to say 'don't evolve', but rather that if you have a tool that works well consistently, you will be able to work more effectively and efficiently, and spend more time on actually making your ideas realtiy and being creative than wasting your inspired time on technical difficulties.


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