aaa Can't get my compressor to "pump"! - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Can't get my compressor to "pump"!

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Original Message                 Date: 08-May-02  @  01:39 PM   -   Can't get my compressor to


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All the people I've seen use compressors go for that "nice" sound. I want to get my unit to pump in time with my beats like the dance pro producers do.

How I understand it is that you send the grouped drum track to the stereo compressor and compress with the desired ratio. Then I make sure I have the fastest possible attack and release settings. Then I lengthen the release time until the drums pump (suck in and out) then back it off slightly.

This is what I've been doing but can't get it to work. Any advice?

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Message 11/45             08-May-02  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to



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gb--you can compress each hit to make it punchier on it's own but then route them all to the same compressed for the pumping effect. if you take your kick in and out of the compressed drum group you should be able to hear a difference.

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Message 12/45             08-May-02  @  07:24 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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Hmmm... So when I get Sonar XL in a week or so, perhaps I could do the "pumping" in software rather than in the 01v ? XL comes with some sort of hi quality compressor plugin, and that way I wouldn't have to change my hardware setup.

Does this sound like a good idea ?

Or perhaps there's a way to group stuff for dynamics within the 01v ?

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Message 13/45             08-May-02  @  07:32 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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Knowa, do you send your kick to the grouped drums compressor or just leave it going through only its own compressor?

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Message 14/45             08-May-02  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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Sample your Kick and Snares and things each going seperately through a compressor (so that the compression is burnt into the sample), then build a pattern from the individual hits and then compress the whole pattern and make that pump...

Does that work for you??


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Message 15/45             08-May-02  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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No man, that sounds CHEAP.

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Message 16/45             08-May-02  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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drop, you need pro tools to be able to do this properly, obviously.

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Message 17/45             08-May-02  @  08:07 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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yeah man... and sell your Compounder to me!  

juss kidding. but yeah, it would be optimal if you could compress your individual sounds and then do the pumping thing on a subgroup/bus thingy.

OR, if its fucking up your kick sound, do it via sidechain: 1) compress the kick on its own, 2)send rest of the sounds to the compounder, 3)then send the kick to the sidechain input.

the drums will be pumping, but your kick will stay the same.

good luck pumping  

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Message 18/45             08-May-02  @  08:34 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to



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damballah: "each has it's place."

me: "route them all to the same compressed for the pumping effect. if you take your kick in and out of the compressed drum group you should be able to hear a difference."

you: not reading.

"if you take your kick in and out of the compressed drum group you should be able to hear a difference."--it's not just a theory I have; it's a suggestion. if you try it, you will hear a difference, and this difference will lead you to the knowledge which will guide your decision as to whether or not the kick should go in the compressed drum subgroup.

I'm being obnoxious but compression is tricky and I'm no mixing guru so I'll shut up. I think k has a real good article about this here.

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Message 19/45             08-May-02  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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GB, you can definately do pumping with the Sonictimeworks compressor. No problem there. Yea once you get the threshold down to a certain point with a fast attack and a pretty high compression ratio. play with the release. It's something you have to play around with but when it happens, you'll know it.

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Message 20/45             08-May-02  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: Can't get my compressor to


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But Drop, That would sound the same as routing all your drum parts individually to seperate compressors (To add thump and volume) and then mixing them and compressing them together (To make them pump as a whole), wouldn't it?


Pro Tools(tm) is the only answer...


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