aaa sub grouping drum compression - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: sub grouping drum compression

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Original Message                 Date: 21-Jan-05  @  12:27 PM   -   sub grouping drum compression


Posts: 1128

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When you guys sub group your drums to a stereo compressor are you really pumping the compressor so it shows like 9-12db of compression or more near the 3-6db? Probably depends on the tune but I'm talking about dancefloor stuff. My attack and release are always at the fastest cos that seems to pump a 4x4 groove the best. But kinda dunno if I'm killing my transients by working the compressor up to 12db worth of compression.

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Message 21/21             03-May-05  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: sub grouping drum compression


Posts: 399

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damn- after rereading that i really must explain myself better- seems half the reponses i illicit are 'eh? what you talking 'bout?' - hehehe


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