aaa Ebola outbreak!!!! - Music tracks & feedback forums
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Subject: Ebola outbreak!!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Oct-01  @  02:29 AM   -   Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 2003

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It's another one of my many faces. I'll have a track up on the FTP in the next 72 hrs.. A small taste of what I can do when I sequence with logic. This is a little sorta broken-beat type ditty. Not for the faint of heart. Enjoy, and please give feedback.


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Message 21/27             30-Oct-01  @  10:41 PM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 7627

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hehe. just playin

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Message 22/27             31-Oct-01  @  09:08 AM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 6231

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waddah-yass know.. it finally downloaded..

i'm guessing your title is your subject matter, ergo the series of vignettes..

ahh.. that flangy bass sound at the beginning.. that's why i bought a pongoid album.. that's what i expect to hear hen i go to s.f (but didn't..) exotic sound with funky 'i can be down with it' rhythm.. me gusta.. medium is the message sorta thing.

lemme know if you ever make/made a sorta easy listening party album like a big solid slice of just that bass noise  

you lost me on the speed stuff tho.. could be that the mp3 is thinning out the frr, cos i can hear the bass cutting off and syncopating with other parts, which would help keep attention. tracks like 'andrew sleeps like fertilizer' @ the link already spoiled me w/ similar rabid programming (i guess the popular adjective is 'skittery.') yet still having a lot going on all around to form a stickier web.

i'm also thinking that that's part of the song there cos of the way it comes together at the end and all

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Message 23/27             02-Nov-01  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 342

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The deed's been done. The cable is in and I'm
zipping away.

I have removed Ape's tracks from the deepnow site
and have moved them to my site...see link above!
There isn't much to it as of yet...but if you
follow that URL you'll get the same stuff as
before and maybe more if Pongoid lets loose a
couple more tracks. If there's any problems put
out the word...I don't think there will be though.


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Message 24/27             02-Nov-01  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 7627

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hehe. paper street

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Message 25/27             05-Nov-01  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!



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First anthrax now ebola ah we're all going to die horrible deaths!

With the taste of gun nozzle in my mouth I realize I fell victim to the Orwell effect the creator of this thread most likely intended to create

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Message 26/27             08-Nov-01  @  01:23 AM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 2003

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the mp3 sounded fairly accurate when I checked it. It's actually a work in progress. I haven't even done the audio tweeking in logic yet, but you get the idea. Anyhow, there's more stuff on the way, including some stuff that I played my bass on with a buddy doing the programming, etc..


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Message 27/27             08-Nov-01  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: Ebola outbreak!!!!


Posts: 342

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hot this gonna be with you and Aaron?? If so can't wait to hear that.


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