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Subject: Quantisation Theory

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Oct-02  @  03:50 PM   -   Quantisation Theory

Mr Bash


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Is the bass supposed to mirror the drums?

As in if I quantise my drum track to 16b in logic, then do I quantise my bass to 16b?

Also I find that if I quantise my drums to 16b and then try a quantisation of say 16c/16d for the percussion, it sound messy and stilted!

Is every thing supposed to be on the same swing or not?

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Message 31/47             11-Dec-02  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory


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right, what's everyone's definition of "quantize"?

quantize isn't sticking every note to exactly 16ths (that's a guitarists/drummers definition), it's putting notes to a predefined rhythmic subposition. which could be swung, straight, laidback snare playing etc.

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Message 32/47             11-Dec-02  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory

Steve Webster


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Yea exactly. Are we talking about swing percentages a la MPC or more like Logic swings a la 16b,c,d, etc?

Or are we talking strict, bang on 16th note positions?

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Message 33/47             11-Dec-02  @  06:52 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory



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Mine is a drummers definition (I started out as a drummer, and my stuff is primarily percussive)... sorry if I'm misusing the word...

I'm talking bang on 16th note position. And groove is often dictated more by the bassline working with the drums. It's a succession of notes... working with a beat. Swing works, and I'm not knocking it, but I'm saying that it's not necesarry for a groove to swing to be groovy! Sigh...


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Message 34/47             11-Dec-02  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory


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let me take you back in my magic timeship to a land called the eighties.

all those tracks sucked!

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Message 35/47             12-Dec-02  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory

Steve Webster


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errata, what bpm are your tracks? Mine are always at 128 bpm. If I strictly quantise my beats it sounds sterile and generally boring! I don't believe that "GROOVE" is totally determined by the bass. Yer, its important but not the be all and end all. You HAVE to have a "push-pull" thing going on with drums. Surely?!?!

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Message 36/47             12-Dec-02  @  03:37 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory


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i think the slower your tracks the more swing they need to have. could be...

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Message 37/47             12-Dec-02  @  05:44 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory



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I'm not saying it can't or shouldn't swing... just that doesn't HAVE to!

I just made a track at 113... with some pretty deep funk (I think)... bassline combined with the beat... I'll post a piece of it tomorrow and you can make your own opinion.


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Message 38/47             12-Dec-02  @  09:21 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory


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you theorists sure talk a lot of bollox.

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Message 39/47             12-Dec-02  @  09:29 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory


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but it's only theoretical bollocks

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Message 40/47             12-Dec-02  @  11:47 PM   -   RE: Quantisation Theory



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bollocks to that!!!


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