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Subject: september 11th

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Sep-02  @  08:27 PM   -   september 11th



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a well done slide show.

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Message 51/188             12-Sep-02  @  10:59 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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I thought we were defending freedom against evil?

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Message 52/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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I pity the man that attempts to define "evil" and then use that definition as justification for killing. I mean, what the hell?


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Message 53/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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Are you a clash fan K?

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Message 54/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: september 11th



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you make it sound as if the prospect of seeing
me naked is repulsive sitar.


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Message 55/188             13-Sep-02  @  09:26 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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Formant. What's wrong with being a Muslim?

What's wrong with China and communism? Okay well communism has some problems in practise, but it's not a totally bad idea.... Everybody equal and all that. But China's a great place, of awesome beauty. Have you ever been there? Didn't think so.

I think your friend in Leeds is a twat. hahahaha Muslims are taking over the country oh dear. I'll tell you why nobody over here goes to church, no-one goes to church because it cold and boring. If church was fun then people would go, it's not about God it's about the community feeling and having a laugh, people like to feel part of something. And english churches are crappy, run down and cold.

The thing that narrow minded idiots all seem to do when they talk about Islamic religion is they have no idea what it's about. You cannot categorise Muslims with fundamentalists. They are a small group of nutters who take it all too literally, and give everybody else a bad name.

Just like you cannot compare football fans to football hooligans, a small group of nutters who ruin it all for the rest of us.

Or let's look at dance music as an example, you hate generic labels as much as the rest of us, how would you like to be labeled in the same category with Country music? You'd hate it. Again a small bunch of nutter ruining it for the rest of us :-)

But it's all music man, it's all the same stuff? isn't it? ring any bells? it's all Islam, it's all communism......

And it isn't as if Christianity hasn't had these problems with nutters too you know, and oh guess what? it still has.

Religions are actually all on about the same things. Live and let live, treat other people how you want to be treated and don't be a c**t.


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Message 56/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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I reckon threads like this makes for a good headcount.

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Message 57/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Not that I particularly like the idea of tangling with Saddam over selfish interests, but to put at least something in perspective, I'll bet anyone here, a dollar to your dime, (that's ten to one odds) that Saddam does in fact have at least one small cargo van with a virus amplifier and HEPA air system in it, driving around, and looking completely innocuous, if not a tractor trailer or bus, or something that looks like a communications truck. DO NOT underestimate the ingenuity of folks in the Middle East. I don't know that it's reason to send a full scale invasion, but certainly a few small covert ops are in order, if only to track these devices down. One thing to keep in mind, you can fit virus amplifier in a box the size of a twelve space rack case. If you already have bought the organisms/bio weapons samples or developed them, all you need is a vial the size of a perfume tester, and the amplifier will do the rest to make as much as you need, as long as you keep it under a tightly controlled environment, which is pretty easy with some plastic/Tyvek sheeting, hermetic sealer, HEPA air filtration system, and an AC/heater/dehumidifier unit. Most of these are not difficult items to come by, except the organisms and I'm sure even those can be had for a price.

So is this scary possibility reason enough for the annihilation of possibly tens of thousands, if not more? Do you kick the dog on the end of the block, just because he was woofing late at night, nipped you once while you were kicking him for barking before, and you THINK he might have bigger teeth in his mouth now?

Again, the big question comes to mind...Who profits through these actions?


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Message 58/188             13-Sep-02  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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not that it is anything to do with it - cos it's just an excuse to go in but...

If we are talking delivery systems then I think that they have already done the job - Kebab shops guys, those little shops springing up everywhere. Stuck away in the back corner behind the packs of poly bags is a special section of the wall, which, if you press the right way opens a panel where "THE DEVICE" sits. In the larger places the wall opens to a walk in room for training, subversion, chatting etc, and is linked by subterranean passages to strategically important places such as govermental office, key ministerial misteresses bedrooms the lamb butchers - I am sure you get the point.

Its OK though cos in every McDonalds is...

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Message 59/188             13-Sep-02  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: september 11th

just asking


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Pongoid, any ideas about how to replace the seals on a MkII Talbot Avenger slave cylinder

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Message 60/188             13-Sep-02  @  01:08 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Who profits?

1944: U.S. State Department memo refers to Middle Eastern oil as "a stupendous source of strategic power, and one of the greatest material prizes in world history." During U.S.-British negotiations over the control of Middle Eastern oil, President Roosevelt sketches out a map of the Middle East and tells the British Ambassador, "Persian oil is yours. We share the oil of Iraq and Kuwait. As for Saudi Arabian oil, it's ours." On August 8, 1944, the Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement is signed, splitting Middle Eastern oil between the U.S. and Britain.

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