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Subject: september 11th

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Sep-02  @  08:27 PM   -   september 11th



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a well done slide show.

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Message 71/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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k, NO he is not saying that. not ALL are the same of course, but the MAJORITY, yeah. haha, there is that poor, old tired word of abuse, "racist". kinda seem to appear when no one else can invalidate another person's opinion innit?

typical DT one-way looking glass "hey, i tow the popular line" way to thinking

some of you are sooo foolish to think that a muslim run government is going to be smooth as a baby's ass - taahhaaa - afghanistan bring ANYTHING to mind?? okay, how about SUDAN??? the list goes on and on -all over the world.

if you listen to the muslims on video tape, they say they want a muslim run world - THEIR words - "...and we want to take over the world" - THAT is from some fat assed, intolerant recruiting these crack pots from london! oh well, england will always be mastered by someone other then her own  

from what i've seen in the media news, muslims are intolerant to the nth-degree, especially to God's people of Israel. many muslims find it easy to hate, full stop.

"live in denial, become captive"

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Message 72/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:23 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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"from what i've seen in the media news, muslims are intolerant to the nth-degree"

Exactly, the media, what you have seen in the media. What about for your own eyes? Or is it too much like hard work actually getting to know people from other areas of the world?

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Message 73/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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what a bunch of wankers. fuck 'em.

"if you listen to the muslims on video tape, they say they want a muslim run world"

gt, you sound like a twat. which muslims, what tape? for fucks sake listen to yourselves.

"some of my best friends are twats." .. ummm, maybe not.

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Message 74/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:30 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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"I think maybe you should ask yourself this question, Jamey "

i do ask myself that question, often...

i don't view the populations of china and sudan etc as bad or evil people.

i view the people in power as that way. you can't generalize about mass population but you can look at the actions of governments and dictators and see the fruit of thier views.

its obvious that no one here sees religious freedom (even the freedom not to have a religion) as something that is in jeoprody when over half the worlds population does not enjoy the basic right to practice the religion of thier choice.

i think that history has born out that religious freedom is a fleeting thing.

under the romans, if you didn't follow thier religion you were thrown to the lions

under the middle ages (whether christian or muslim) you were unable to choose your religion.

even in the 1500s your religion was whatever the state told you.

one of the things that makes america a great place to live is that it was founded on the idea of religious freedom. anyone in this country can practice the religion they choose or none at all.

that is one value that i *do not* see islamic and communist states upholding.


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Message 75/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:38 PM     Edit: 13-Sep-02  |  05:39 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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i think we need to put the "fun" back into "fundamentalist".

anyone for a quick war? winner takes oil.

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Message 76/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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yeah beds (and others), enjoy that freedom the internet gives you, free of name-calling accountability which otherwise would by duly served.

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Message 77/188             13-Sep-02  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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"one of the things that makes america a great place to live is that it was founded on the idea of religious freedom."

That's why all the currency says "in God we trust"

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Message 78/188             13-Sep-02  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: september 11th



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"but how far away is any religious person from becoming fundementalist when the right situation presents itself??????"

look in the mirror Jamey, you are clearly a religious person and the right situation appears to be presenting itself!

The saber rattling of GT, Formant and Brett stinks to me... fine upstanding community of protestant christians with well manicured lawns and young jock kids. Then a latino family moves in. They're catholic, due to their very close sense of family their children are more open... less controlled! They enjoy having family members over, and often leave windows and doors open! This frightens the locals... "There goes the neighborhood! They're going to end our comfortable way of life with their different WAYS!" RACISM!!! Just because it's a tired word doesn't mean it's invalid!

When the Irish catholics began populating America in the early part of this century Americans thought they would ruin the American way of life. "Soon we'll all be catholic, cabbage eaters.." and what-not. "They'll out breed us"... (I'll bet one of the 3 of you has Irish blood!)...

Your reasoning and logic is steeped in a fear designed by those you call your leaders. Terrorism works as a form of population control. A democraticaly elected government with an agenda other than that of it's people must manufacture fear and derision to achieve it's ends... The Nazi party was democraticaly elected and found a scapegoat in the Jew for it's embarrasingly bad behaviour! (Oh, there he goes with the Nazi's again!)

I'll say it: If our government wasn't complicit in the WTC attack it WAS tolerant! If you put it past these self serving, f*ckheads you're blind!!! "America's gone to hell in a handbasket... legal abortion, welfare, an administration ELECTED on the notion of socialized medicine (big Clinton platform in 92)... We've got to take drastic measures to bring this country back to the values we HOLD DEAR!... steal an election (Dare 'em to stop us!) Orchestrate a major attack on US soil... ratchet up law enforcement and the military, steal back our oil interests and reset this country on the course we held through the 40's 50's 60's... boom times for america!"

Tony Blair is a pod person! The real Tony Blair has been closeted and silenced... SAD!

If you're afraid of your freedoms being taken away by Muslims, then I suggest you keep a KEEN eye on the wrinkly old white Mother F+ckers in positions of power in the US... they're stealing more and more every day!


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Message 79/188             13-Sep-02  @  07:27 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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formant: 'you can look at the actions of governments and dictators and see the fruit of thier views. '

I suggest you take a look at the actions of the UK and the US and their creation, support, funding and arming of dictators in that area and apply that logic. Then you might understand why the middle east is in such a mess.

Lets just be upfront about this, it is NOT about democracy or human rights, it is about oil and power, always has been, always will be.

The reason the US and the UK always stand together is simple.. its anglo solidarity, the same reason that the UK, Canada, Australia always share intelligence. It's just the white folks making sure they stay rich.. and the rest of the world can go f**k themelves unless they get in their way, in which case they'll get help f**king themelves.

If you don't believe me then please go search the internet for histories of US and UK involvement in the world since the 2nd world war.

Personally I am totally pissed off with my tax money being spent murdering, destablising, asassinating, arming and generally f**king people over.

If you are stupid enough to believe that the current policies being put forward by the UK/US are designed to protect freedom and democracy then you need your head examined... DONT'T believe these liars..

Just do a tiny amount of research...

Remeber when a little kuwaiti girl was paraded in front of the media claiming that she had witnessed iraqis removing babies rom incubators and leaving them to die on the cold hospital floor? Turns out she was the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador and had never been anywhere near Kuwait hospital! She had been coached and rehearsed by Hill & Knowlton (PR Agency) for her appearance before the Congressional Committee. This was run all over TV in the west and quoted by Bush senior many times as an example of why Sadaam was like 'Hitler'. Shame it was a complete lie eh?

Get real, these guys will tell you that the Iraqis are killing their own children by not spending money to feed them to justify the infant death rate of 6000 a month. The same way the japanese told their people that americans ate babies.. it is ALL LIES!

They will tell you anything they think will whip you up into a state where you will glady sacrifice your sons and daughters for their ends.

If you fall for this bullshit, more fool you.

Read your history!

If you want to read about the Kuwaiti baby lie and many others check these links:

Christian Science Monitor

Wake up people, they are playing you like a violin.

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Message 80/188             13-Sep-02  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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look, i'd like to go back to this 'america is a great place to live' thing..

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