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Subject: Control Room vs. Main Out

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Original Message 1/19             07-Jul-01  @  12:58 AM   -   Control Room vs. Main Out


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Does it really matter if I connect my powered speakers to Main Out or Control Room Out on my mixer?
I've just read K's response to one of the posts and he suggests connecting speakers to Control Room and use Main Out for recording devices...


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Message 2/19             07-Jul-01  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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which is exactly what you 'should' do...what those two features are intended for

control room outs are for monitoring, often arent balanced outputs, etc..and are controled by a knob usually...

the master outs are usually balanced, and are set by the master fader. you cant usually PFL stuff to master outs, either, I dont think....

a few other reasons there are, but...why is there a problem?

oh..yeah..your monitoring prob?

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Message 3/19             07-Jul-01  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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well you certainly cannot PFL to main outs, thats the wholle idea behind Pre Fader Listening...geddit?

the idea is that you can let signals go thru the mixer unaffected, while being able to solo stuff or listen at different volume while recording, hence monitor outs and a separate volume knob.

on digital mixers its even worse, since if you use master outs to monitor at less than full volume, the digital resolution of the signal will be compromised (meaning less dynamics), since less bits will be allocated to the signal.

hope this clears some things for you...i sugest you read up on the subject.

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Message 4/19             07-Jul-01  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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mabye you should suggest that I do as well? 

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Message 5/19             07-Jul-01  @  01:22 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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well, i´d recommend that to anybody just starting out. but what do you want me to say? that your tracks already sound good? told ya ´nuff times already dude...

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Message 6/19             07-Jul-01  @  10:44 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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no no..just that I cant remember what PFL does 

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Message 7/19             07-Jul-01  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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ok, here goes the newbie guide to solo modes:

there are 3 major solo modes you can encounter on a mixer: PFL, AFL, and SIP.

-PFL (Pre Fader Listening) will route the selected signal to the monitors, BEFORE fader, pan, and eq, so you can hear the signal as it is when it comes into your mixer. it is normally used for setting the gain on channels.

-AFL (After Fader Listening) routes the selected signal to the monitors AFTER the channel fader, pan pot, and eq. this mode is usefull when mixing your tracks and want to hear how the individual tracks on a mixer sound.

Both of these modes are non-destructive, meaning that they only affect what you hear on the MONITORS, while the signal flow within the mixer, from the channel inputs to the group outs to the master outs, remains unchanged. you can use any of these solo modes during tracking / mixing / whatever, and your signal will still get where it was sent, without anything being cut or muted.

on the other hand, if hook up your monitors to the main outs, you wont be able to use these modes at all. geddit?

that is, unless your mixer has a...

-SIP (Solo In Place), a destructive solo mode which actually mutes all the signals, except the solo-ed one(s). this feature has the advantage of leting you hear your signal exactly as it will sit within the mix, because the signal will be post eq, post pan, post fader, post master fader, AND with all the FX on it, because the aux sends do not get cut when you use the SIP mode.
this can be a very usefull feature when mixing. Solo In Place is usually found only on big, upper class, studio mixers. you won´t find it on a mackie 8-bus for example...although i did see it on a soundcraft from ´87 or so...

happy soloing, M.

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Message 8/19             07-Jul-01  @  01:24 PM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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PFL being particularly useful in live gigs... cos the engineer can solo an input to his headphones whilst NOT interupting the FOH (front of house) mix the audience hears to check for problems...

But Milan, are you sure PFL is pre-eq??...  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/19             07-Jul-01  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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not really, i did try to find a book, but i cant find anything in this mess i call home. so any mistakes are possible...did i say its a newbie guide? in that case, i must be the newbie  

ok, a foot-note : when setting gain, set the fader to 0db, pan the signal all the way to left or right, and bypas or reset the eq. in that way you will avoid any mistakes i might have made in that previous post.

so there  

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Message 10/19             08-Jul-01  @  12:24 AM   -   RE: Control Room vs. Main Out


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Ahhhh, I think I get it now...well lucky me, my Control Room Outs are balanced/unbalanced  

So if I connect my monitors to Control Room outs I will be able to use AFL and PFL modes; I can't use those if they're connected to Main Outs... So I guess it's more effective to have them connected to Control Room Ous...

Thanks for the explanation guys!


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