aaa FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!! - Music techology forums
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Subject: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!

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Original Message 1/26             24-Jul-98  @  06:48 AM   -   FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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WELL WELL WELL..... i cant belive it !!.... i have tried and tried to make this thing fall over... and even tho I'm running it on a p200 with a poxy 64mb and no scsi with the h/d light CONTINUALLY flickering...... even tho, every time i open the 4th or 5th realtime fx, flanger, compressor etc... (that is with the Timeworks Reverb delay running as the master Aux post fx)..... and the dispaly counter & cursor is flickering and hopping around cos it's a crappy old 64 s3 graphics card at 65,000 colours.... even tho there is a pause and the audio stops when i open an effect... even tho, i'm pushing it to buggery... and the screen draws are visible..... IT WILL NOT CRASH... IT WILL NOT... AND IT IS IN TIME...... LOOPING OVER 8 BARS AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.... JESUS !!!....

I'm in tears almost, cos VST cant do this.......heh hheh

God only knows what it'd be like on a P2 333 with 128 mb or higher with a scsi audio drive !!..... lemme tell you......

drop down position marker list... select... there you are at the position....

audio &b midi mixer ...(Console)...... a long mixer.... I was scrolling across it.... now... there are NO led ladders with each audio track... only the masters... and I thought... Shit !!... it's real hard to tell quickly which is the audio tracks... UNTIL... I saw this button... aha !!..... click... and only the audio tracks are there... click again... only the midi tracks... better still...... click the button on a midi channel ... and a whole page appears of ALL the presets for the db50.. no sub menus and then the actual sets... wicked !!.....
i assume that can be patches for any synth once installed....

ok.... so.... the mixer channels......

... at the top, is a scroll-able list.... add in an INSERT fx at the channel head...... you can load up several... and just scroll thru em... highlite one... double click it.. hey presto... the fx edit window appears... and i tell you... ALL the active FX were there...... the Timeworks delay & reverbs Hyperprism Dx stuff..... wavetracks compressor... which was excellent on the drums etc......... plus the compliment of Cakewalk FX... including REALTIME - TIME/PITCH-STRETCH !! what a flanger.... total trance-tool with the delay as well....... and the eq is VERY comprehensive with so many filter types... there is even an AC hum canceller preset...... phew !!!.....

Also... the Waves Audio Track compressor Eq s/w was there... Brilliant plug-in that.... what i mean is..... all the fx on the pc were found by cakewalk... NO glitches...... and i couldnt get it to crash..... ......

what else......oh yes...wicked... the 2 channel aux sends go to the master Aux section.... you can then set them as Pre or Post... set the send & return... er... AND route them to different audio out & In

You can gang/group the faders at random....with up to 12 group gangs !!!...... including fx returns and masters......the master fader can have preset fades programmed.... and there is a dedicated fader console automation edit window...with each track selectable... channel assignable... and controller assignable... as well as drawing the curves on grid !!!


each channel has solo.... mute... and arm for record.....and of course pan... as does the aux returns !!...... that is ...2 stereo aux returns... and check it... master fx too.... again you can compile a scrollable list......preset audio set's for audiomedia-3, soundscape and session well as windows active-5 and non active cards..... also Dig Aud Labs V8 rack.... and.... more... theres a dedicated soundfonts section with editable library data for your soundfonts....

oh shit... ok... i aint got a multi-out card in this pc... or more than one card... so as an experiment.. i added the modem audio driver and games compatible device drivers as extra sources in the master audio section.... heh heh... and fuck me..... 4 stereo subgoups appeared on re-opening the mixer...... and yes..... it's laid out like a frigging mixer..... with master section next to the aux masters... and the subs outside of the masters.... and yes... you can route ANY channel to groups.... and any groups to master out... or seperate outs.... same for fx sends masters.... and...

when you group faders,,, a coloured LED appears on them to designate group visually.... excellent idea...

christ... now i've discovered that although it only boots up with 2 aux busses..... you can add more........i added 12 aux sends !!!! !!!!

nice drop down project list appears when you boot up the proggie... and it auto sends ALL the sysex prior to start if you ask it to as per usual cakewalk... loverly.....

ok... re-boot it... now there are 4 aux sends and returns... routable to any audio outs....

On the main track area now.....the loop select is great... 2 buttons either side of the left & right marker position windows.... just move the cursor to a track Set-Left.... move it again... click Set-Right... heh heh....... excellent... that was a tad tedious in older cakewalk versions..... and there are loverly markers... just move the curor.... add marker... and it is added to the central drop-down marker list.....

I tell you what...... this is fucking AMAZING !!..... oh... er... sorry... it doesnt LOOK as pretty as VST.... but it is laid out VERY logically...... the routing is WAY more logical than the VST mixer.....

next...on the music parts (clips in cakewalk) area..... right click on an audio part...... edit window appears... and now thank GOD... as it scrolls whilst playing.... it DOES redraw the audio waves in the window... excellent.. it used to go blank on older versions once the initial window was redrawn...... and you can use the line tool as before to draw volume fades in sections... and when you cut as before a little volume knob apperas to adjust that tiny edit/cut section if desired.... ten band graphic eq.... but now with drop down preset list... editable and saveable.... and parametric eq..... to bloody complexed to describe here...alll processing auditionable PRIOR to comitting... but hey... YOU DO ALREADY KNOW THAT CAKEWALK HAS INFINATE UNDO RIGHT ??.....


AND WHEN IN BASIC AUDIO EDIT... TOP OF THE LIST, IS YOUR PLUG-IN S/W LIST... HEH HEH....WANT MORE ??.... ok.... with the choosen audio segment in the edit window,...... (colour editable).... just go to TOOLS... and open your external editor.. it opens the part... excellent.....all as normal there.....

in the audio edit window...the draw-line tool is as usual excellent... you can select a start point... just lay the pencil tip on the audio part wave at the desired start point..... then drag across... and it draws 2 lines.... equally above and below the 0 db center line... hey... you draw across wider.. ... it makes like a funnel... INSTANT fade up... or narrower...instant fade down..... or level line draw... instant quieter across the drawn section of the wave....ok... so you can zoom in and draw up or down even little spikes.... and say you draw 10 edits that process.... heh i said..... INFINATE UNDO.... IT WILL KEEP ON UNDOING YOUR EDITS.... or... how about edit HISTORY.... a list appears for the edits..... select the 35th edit back... cancel it... HA !!!.... none of the others before or after that edit are effected !!!

next.....oh yes... there is an audio scrub tool to.... and there is a detect PITCH function..... by the way... ALL these audio tools etc are accessible by right mouse click on the wave... no fucking menues to search thru up above.....

yeah... you can zoom into an audio wave,,... and it'll tell you the can get a drum part audio wave,,,, and do extract timing... and it'll let you assign the pulse to a midi note number.....with a trigger level in DB... and time in MS of trigger to cause the actual trigger..... you can tell it to search for a steady rhythm... or expect triplets, or whatever....... fuck me.. you can even ask it to vary the midi notes generated velocity according to the audio velocity... or set a fixed note volume....and it's auditionable before doing waves are zoomable down to single samples........ there's a fade envelope function..... with handy presets....and cross-fade.....

what else......well... there is a quick drop down marker box..... where you can add markers manually naming each place for reference

AND THANK GOD... there is a general panic button for when those midi loops hit you like the plague......that has always been a nice cakewalk feature

mixdown audio ... with option to create mixed audio track with fx etc for either a total stereo mix.. or just mix all the tracks switched on to be mixed to their own new track to preserve seperation......yet with realtime stuff like fx fades etc mixed in to a new wave

oh yes... it'll export your audio as wav or real audio handy for the web.....

well... that is what i found in the last 2 hours or so... it DOES need a powerful machine... the mmx 200 aint enuff... but.... no crashes... and the timing is as stable as..... something stable.... best for me is the ease of the mixer.... SO easy..... not as realistic looking and arty as vst..... more solid and basic shapes without fake metal etc... but it works like a dream..... so intuitive once you spend 5 minutes with it... BY THE WAY... I DIDNT LOOK AT THE MANUAL OR HELP ONCE...... that is intuitive.....

also.... the hyperprism plugin stuff that never would work in VST does here.... the fx provided are easily as good a vst..... excellent in fact for freebies.....the reverb has lots of parameters..... all in all there are plent of things to add.... you wann hear this rebirth audio part going thru the delay and flanger..... trance city people.... very nice indeed....

well.... all in all... i can live withiout a drum map i guess.....Cakewalk has one thing missing from the drum grid... that is the ability to draw a long line f notes to a set quantise with a brush type tool... unless i missed it somewhere..... BUT... what is better than VST cubse, is that you can run the mouse up and down the drum names real fast... and they play as the mouse glides over if you were sweeping piano keys.... REAL easy to find a sound in a list of 150 drum sounds.... y'know with Cubase how you have to switch on the ear or speaker icon... then SLOWLY double click on each sound... to hear it.. cos if you do it too fast... it tries to rename the sound... that was always a bummer with cubase....

. i think this is excellent... and no matter how much the programme struggled to keep up..... it never fucked up and died... never lost the soundcard.. it never crashed oncce... and i swear... i was really caning it to the limits of video glitch !!!....sure it stuttered... sure... it ran out of steam... but never lost the crd or died......... the main problem was the video refresh... but maybe that is cause i had navigator open all the time as i write this post over an hour or 2.... it definately got worse the more I wrote......... with a big power pc.... this is a winner.... and STABLE midi timing even with this situation of overkill trying to kill it off on purpose.... Kinda like SAW-Plus.... it'll run out of steam... but not punish you for it by dieing and loosing your work..........

best for me is again.....the mixer...when i first saw it i thought,,,,,, hmmmm...... but after 20 minutes I think it's far more logical, if less pretty than vst mixer.... certainly the routing is glaringly obvious..... i havent even touched on the Studio-ware side... that is Cakewalks version of the mixermap


CAKEWALK HAS COME OF AGE I RECKON...... I URGE YOU TO CHECK IT OUT....REALLY... I'M GOING WITH IT FOR SURE... I WANN A GET SOME FUCKING WORK DONE..... NOT PISS ABOUT TRYING TO GET IT WORKING.... IT INSTALLED LIKE A DREAM... FOUND ALL THE OLD STUFF... FOUND THE CARD.. (AN OLD CARD AT THAT)...... AND.....well........ SERIOUSLY !!!..... THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME.... !!!...... add to that Cakewalks excellent HD management auto style utility....... very easy.... no pratting about........ just work.....

adios.... time for bed.....

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Message 2/26             24-Jul-98  @  07:25 AM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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in tears......

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Message 3/26             24-Jul-98  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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I thought everyone knew cakewalk6-7 was better???
Perhaps everyone in the U.S.
Cubase with all its damn graphical knobs, all these damn graphcis!! for what??
We are using windows!! CAkewalk is very tight, very intuitive and works awesome for windows
Its very stable and isn't extremely graphically intense . We want to make music not view a graphics!!
Cubase takes up too much resources... its muggy , dull and sluggish. Get Cakewalk its brighter lighter
but just a powerful. Its the logical choice!!

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Message 4/26             24-Jul-98  @  08:34 AM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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I thought everyone knew cakewalk6-7 was better???
Perhaps everyone in the U.S.
Cubase with all its damn graphical knobs, all these damn graphcis!! for what??
We are using windows!! CAkewalk is very tight, very intuitive and works awesome for windows
Its very stable and isn't extremely graphically intense . We want to make music not view a graphics!!
Cubase takes up too much resources... its muggy , dull and sluggish. Get Cakewalk its brighter lighter
but just a powerful. Its the logical choice!!

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Message 5/26             24-Jul-98  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!


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wow.. this was the longest thing here in the chat-room
i´ve ever seen...

no time to read now but, good work



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Message 6/26             24-Jul-98  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!


Posts: 47

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Having spent the best part of last night fighting with VST to get it working you have just completely made my day - Cakewalk's approach to midi always seemed to me more logical, the use of clips, controller data - even down to the way the program zooms in on stuff.

The main reasons I actually changed to VST were: plugins much easier to use than on CW6 (which if I'm thinking of the right version had a really weird routing system, strange ways of choosing effects etc) and not having a multi-out card I wanted to be able to EQ every channel in the mix easily.

Secondly, the midi drum editor in Cubase seems better - say you had a hi-hat and a snare on the same beat and you wanted to change the hih-hat's velocity in CW, redrawing the velocity bar graph would redraw the snare as well - wheras I think that Cubase only affects the drum you had selected. Anyway...

So i just have two questions. First, and most importantly, will I be able to get it running on my PC? Feeling a little left behind now - p166, 48Mb (though that's changing to 64 at least) and a TB Pinnacle. I want to be able to get at least 8 audio tracks running alongside a couple of midi ones - probably with EQ on most of the audio and hopefully even some reverb.

Secondly, how do you get around the problem of the CW drum programming - I really really really cannot keep an idea in my head long enough to right click on every drum note to change the velocity - and the stuff I do isn't really that complex, but does vary in velocity a lot. BUT - and I stress this - I could well be missing something very obvious.

I want to go with CW - ever since I went out and spent my Student Loan/Overdraft/Savings entirely on the recommendations of the enthusiastic pc-evangelist who runs this site I've trusted everything Kilo says, and even felt guilty for using VST. Just please tell me it'll work.

Enough. My hopes are up too high already. Kilo, you have to learn to be sombre, otherwise I'll never have any disposable income to my name.


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Message 7/26             24-Jul-98  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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Will- Up until about a week ago I was running Cakewalk 7 on my old P133 with no problems at all... now Im running it on a 200MMX and it runs like a dream... and 200 really isnt much more than 166. I've never had any timing problems with it. However, I rarely use a whole lot of audio tracks.... but I recall running 6 audio tracks on my 133 with no problem. At any rate Im sure you'll get more performance out of Cakewalk than you did with VST. I also rarely use the drum part editor since I prefer to import audio loops made in Hammerhead, so I really cant help you much there. I suggest you just download a demo off the Cakewalk site and see how it works for you. Another cool thing about Cakewalk is you can get the low end version (CW Home Studio) for like $70 if you're low on cash and you have the option to upgrade to higher end versions (CW Pro Audio or CW Professional) without paying any more than if you'd just bought the high end version in the first place. And really the only significant restraint in the $70 version is you only have 4 audio tracks... and you dont have as many effects included in the package. The CW site ( has a nice comparison chart between the different versions. They all have this mixing console Kilo was talking about, and I think thats the coolest part of version 7. Also.. if you live here in the States... Cakewalk is very easy to come by.

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Message 8/26             24-Jul-98  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!

Lettus Be

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I've been using cakewalk 6 pro audio on a p166 64mb ram with no problems with many audio tracks. Kinda slow on realtime changes on the effects but they do catch up eventually. Plus I'm only using an yamaha oplsa-3 and a older gravis ace with 512k ram! hehehe anyway..

RE: Drum velocity edits
I have the same problem as mentioned above, but what you can do is select a note (bass, snare etc...) and then goto the edit menu and choose scale velocities. It'll change them by %. Not perfect but it works.

RE: Cake 7 looping
One great function of cake 3 that was lost when I upgraded to 6 was the loop parameter for individual tracks. So you could loop track one 8 times but have track two loop 12 times. Also with version six you can define a 4 measure intro and have it loop from measure 4 to 24 but no outro. Can you tell cake 7 to loop a section a certain number of times and then play the end of the song? What I've done to try to combat this with version 6 is have a blank measure and click off the loop button in this measure, since it'll cause a glitch in the sound on my p166. Then cake will play the end of the song. Also you just play something live over the blank measure...

Lettus Be

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Message 9/26             24-Jul-98  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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ah... the thing is Man... the CW 6 demo didnt have any realtime fx..... and i found the fader speeds etc very slow... i havent tried cake 7 before today..... you cant compare cake 6 with cake 7......

If you read the review pages..... i have always know cakewalk was more stable that cubase..... and ALWAYS recommend cakewalk5 .... but people want realtime stuff..... and it is these new realtime fx & eq peoggies from Cake to Logic that hve the probs on the pc..... but this one doesnt.... what i will say is.. VST runs smooth graphics wise... it appears cake needs Much more headroom pc wise that cake 7.... coos on VST on my mmx, you dont get slow re-draws and that.... BUT.... despite the slow redraws, cake 7 was playing midi & audio in perfect timing...whereas without any VISUAL signs of stress on VST... it still nonetheless coulnt play midi & audio in solid time to my stringent midi timing criteria....

strange that.....

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Message 10/26             24-Jul-98  @  08:19 PM   -   RE: FUCK ME !!! - CAKEWALK 7 !!!!!!!



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yeah.... THE DRUM MAP.... this is the ONLY thing I want that cubase offers.... and it's true that cakewalks drum section grid is a pain in that respect... you just have to put the drums on different tracks..... if you have a pattern already, use the SPLITNOTE CAL function to devide it up onto different tracks each with a seperate drum.... one thing at least with this version is that once in the edit window, you can just go to a drop down list in the window, and select a new track which appears in the window ready to go... unfortunately, you cant visually see the other drum notes in a pattern if you do this.....

You are well right about the routing for FX in V6.... I just could NOT get it to work... it was totally illogical...... whereas VST was so logical...that too was why I leaned to VST...... BUT... V7 cake is there now..... so so so simple.... easier that VST visually.......and what is the choice ??..... a long hunt to try to get VST stable... that may never happen... or Cake 7 and it works.... I reckon I'll sacrifice the drum map

where cake score over VST (apart from the fact that as a sequencer it DOES actually play midi in time !!)... is the controller section.... ABSOLUTELY PISSES ON VST.... always has beat cubse for that... the controller section for manualy inputting controller data on cubse is utter shite...... and it's entire protocol for all that stuff is fiddly dumn and ill thought out... what I used to do, was do all my drums in an old 2.8 version cubase... then port it over to cake5 for the rest of the controller work .....

I am going to do more experimants... maybe i've missed some way to keep the drums in the grid, and alter the velocities seperately....

I shall be writing to Twelve Tones to try to get the designer teams Email contact address for Input.... & persuade them about some design upgrades.... specifically regarding that drum area... cos if that was sorted.... I would never even remember vst...

I think it's a european thing V USA..... cakewalk would be ideal for general purpose conventional programming material... where drum parts are inputted mostly in realtime... editing being truly restricted to the occaisional note in a bar.....

in europe where sequencers are more likely to be used for dance..... the drum map is there......


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