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Subject: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?

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Original Message 1/23             13-Dec-05  @  05:47 PM   -   Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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When you produce music do you find yourself trying to fit in a certain genre, or use a genre as inspiration? Do you get miffed if you can't put a genre on your finished tune or do you really not give a snap?

Curiousity killing this cat.

S dub

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Message 2/23             14-Dec-05  @  01:43 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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GOOD question Sdub!... because if you TRULY let go and just 'do', invariably, unless you were raised on one genre of music and that's all you realy like and have as a musical reference, it's hard to fit the 'et go' results sometimes into a genre .... perhaps that's more so if one is a practicing musician playing other non-electronic genres on 'real instruments'.. alot of modern 'dance' (not early house) in a way DID come out of that scenario... guys who prolly started playing in guitar bandscirca 78-83, who played 'real' instruments and had a few bits of electronic gear around they came across, a crappy analog drumbox, or a 606, 303, 101, old juno or SH or some black squatty little Yamaha mono synth (they were good tho, really hard/analog!) or a Wasp etc etc.. that was the sort of crap that you'd see round at squats back at that time and people'd sit around stoned or tripping or speeding (heh heh) whatever and sling a 606 thru a bass rig and play bass with it plus some synth or guitar etc... experimenting... of course you had the sampler-based stuff done mostly with loops and samples, and the early PC tracks done on shit like SAW 4TRACK... but y'know, there was alot of 'letting-go' back then and stuff was 'invented' - also you had shit done with tape loops before even Mirage samplers came along... early hiphop was kicking in by 83/84 so that gave it some impetus i think... in fact, it was funny, i went to a small promo bash tonight for the college (all grime & hiphop/beats and the dj spin a track towards the end with a backing loop i used to listen to on a Kevy Kev track (Waterbed Love) on SugarHill back in 1983/4 (The 'All Night long' loop)

Anyways, it all came out of experimenting - as far as i'm concerned alot of 303 hooks came out of accidents while fucking around with a 202/303... I DO have a 303 manual NOW, but there NEVER was a manual back in the day when you had one in your squat for 2, 3, 4 or whatever weeks before the person who owned it stopped being stoned long enuff to remember where they left it, lol... So you'd come up with odd shit just by not really being able to put into the 303 what was in your head (like you can with midi stuff or s keyboard synth)... odd synth lines would come out, unintended stuff, but it sounded awesome!

Solar Quest's brother had a rig one setup at me mates place (in fact he moved into my old room) and he had a

25 years later we're seeing the same thing with pc's and fruity/reason which prolly gave us grime in the uk.

but then the mags get hold it, fix the genre, and you feel like you have to conform sometimes mebbe?... best of all is a track which is acceptible to a genre/set, or rather, it has enuff 'recognisable icons' (as William Orbit calls them) in the track for people to latch on to, but is odd enuff in the rest of it to be memorable.. the better tracks they tend to be.

anyways, it depends what you do... who you do it for, you can copy an established genre and knock out hi NRG tracks for the spanish market or whatever if that's your game. Nothing wrong with that, nothing wrong with making a living doing it if you want to try and if you can make it in a small enuff way to even pay the rent/bills/gear/life... in that order usualy - lol


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/23             14-Dec-05  @  05:07 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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i enjoy listening to people who've mastered their craft within a genre but only for so long before i enjoy hearing someone else who's mastered their craft within another.
i also like hearing people mix it up.
as for my's the last thing on my mind...the need for a specific genre.
more like what the vibe is....tempo....mood...colors.....temperature....etc.
like hints of genres which tickle the edges instead of being caged in by them.
and whether i'm able to have fun or derive meaning from the doing of it.
it's no longer about tearing down boundaries but building new foundations where boundaries
have less relevance.
until i personally get to the glitch.....then i stop take a look...and run home.

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Message 4/23             14-Dec-05  @  08:52 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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pretty pointless really... There are so many and folks end up creating their own which sometimes catch on and sometimes not. So the list is ever expanding.

There was a link posted to a site here once that showed a sort of family tree of genres but I can't seem to find it now.


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Message 5/23             14-Dec-05  @  08:54 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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Message 6/23             14-Dec-05  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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Pro genreless!

At least I have never found enough discipline in myself to stick to a genre, while on the other hand there are all those possibilities to explore. I respect the musical craftmanship of those who take their time to learn the inside outs of one genre and use that to their advantage, but that approach just does not work for me...

And besides, I do this for the fun and the thrill of finding something new. And yeah, I don't read mags, hehh :-)))

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Message 7/23             14-Dec-05  @  03:58 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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i'm glad there are some guys who are totally devoted to their chosen genre as craft and
a way-of-being.
i was particularly taken aback last week when i was tiling this kitchen and felt a little winter-slump (hands in cold cement and water all day putting up stone doesn't make for a very warm-time)...anyway....i found this i-tunes radio station playing some trance....none of which i recognized and yet it sounded like every formula from all the classic styles of the last 10 years.....and done to balls-out perfection.....even revving it up a notch. not a thing out of place and melodies and such just really exploding away any coldness i might've felt that morning.
it might've all been done before but there was something to be said for that level of devotion to the form.
i always think of good dance music as good work music and so this fit the bill precisely.
after about 4 hours of that...i downshift to some super fine old-school jazz...mingus parker coltrane...and you know what?....were those guys interested in anything else but jazz at that time it wouldn't have been the same.
but times have changed and so have styles and people's needs for expression exploration and discovery.
what strikes me as hilarious though is when some guys start running around with a blend of specific styles and start claiming "this is the sound of the future". but....
i think the sound of the future will be some old guy blowing a flute under a tree in the post-nuclear wind after a whole planet has been decimated and man and his technology and achievements have been wiped-clean to smithereens due to our arrogance callousness and many-varied superstitios ( religious political economic+ fear etc).
anyway...til then we got the devices to make DO have some......FUN.

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Message 8/23             14-Dec-05  @  04:33 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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There is a new sub genre in house music now called "Game Show House". Seriously.

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Message 9/23             14-Dec-05  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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I try to make music in genre's I like But I usually wake up to what it is after the hours work

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Message 10/23             14-Dec-05  @  08:06 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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so.. pro genreless

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