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Subject: A different topic

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Original Message 1/16             07-Apr-98  @  05:10 AM   -   A different topic


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I've had just about enough of this "my tracker vs. your mpc" & "which sampler emulating drum machine should I buy?" crap for today, so if you're interested maybe people could talk about the different musical scenes happening in your little corners of the world.

LA's (my home-town) only hope is jungle, Roni Size came with live musicians and all of a sudden industry people and promoters want to give support. The kids have hard-step, the bigger kids have DnB, and everybody knows it's more fun if you're not too faded. But then it seems so played out in the UK, I feel insecure about giving to much to it. I mean, we want to do whatever feels and sounds good to us, right, and not go jumping on whatever bandwagon's blowing up, but I've only been making jungle plates since last Autumn and am nowhere near established enough to be on the forefront of the wave in America.

So is it really as bad as you Brits make it sound? 170 bpm on laundry detergent commercials? or is that only with the cheesy Metalhedz-LTJ Bukem-Reprazent crap? How 'bout in Germany and Sweden, or is it still just all about the Riot and rockin' dem block-beats?

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Message 2/16             07-Apr-98  @  06:35 AM   -   RE: A different topic



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I read your message(s--the one to me and the one in general
You mustn't forget that this is a "tech" chat so ??' will
be about that sort of junk., but you're right-somehting different would be nice.
It seemed like you were directing your prompt to brits-
and I cant answer for them-but I do notice that the scene
here (well in LA-I live in OC and jungle is practically
nonexistent as a "scene") is heading in many directions at
once-we've got some ripping DJ's-RAS, heretic, good ol'
RAW, etc., some of whom are branching out into production
(RAW, E-sassin), but theres not much(?). I certainly dont claim to be an authority, and even though I am new to this
scene(jungle in particular, electronic music in general)
I can definitely profess a deep ove for the music, that
will only grow since I have only begun to discover this
for myself.
But since were talking about a scene forming here-that is
is why I want to get into production-maybe by learning as
the scene grows I can be a part of it-I think the fact
that I dont come from a "beats" background would give me
a different take and my music would come out with a total
ly different angle, ya know(pantera samples over breaks?)
Why not?!?
Anyway-if you look at a forming "scene" like a growing
child- it seems pretty likely that the "child" will imitat
what it sees first, gradually forming its own niche-Jungle is pretty new, and US jungle is even newer, and LA?
copying would suck, definitely, but emulating as a means
toward establishing a different style? We'll see.
As far as "investing" too much in jungle-if you love the
style, and you do it well, GET IT ON!
send me any thing you've done, I'd love to hear it!
Also, since I answered here first, how about just listing your equipment or maybe contacting me. Like I said, I read what you said, and I'm now looking for an E-max. I plan on learning how to do this! Feal like teaching at all? I'll clean the grout in yor tiles 


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Message 3/16             07-Apr-98  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: A different topic

Dj Megafun


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Every things slower where I live" South Louisiana" and
into Texas like Dallas...120 - 135 Bpm's not a lot of
jungle more like Digi Funk, something like Geto Funk
Baby by " DJ Stew" would be an example. There is jungle
influence in the beats but slower. Some House influences
but mixed with funky break beats, and Speed Garage is big
On the commercial side Hip Hop, Miami Bass, and Progressive House is big. What I've seen is the sothern
United States is into a slower tempo than a lot of other
places 140 tops. If there is 170-180 jungle parties going
on I havn't seen them.

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Message 4/16             07-Apr-98  @  03:12 PM   -   *confused look*



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Hilevelt, you mean to tell me that you haven't heard the omnipresent influence of dnb right here in the states? you must not watch any television, man!

personally i get sick everytime something cool gets comercialized and co-opted for purely capitalist pursuits, but the bottom line is, that happens to everything, because the buying public is a fickle one and constantly needs something new.

the upside to the whole thing is that as the style becomes more common, musicians begin to turn away from it to seek out new territory. maybe that means something completely different, or maybe it's just some rad mutation of the form. at any rate, some very cool shit results.

in the Boston area we got a decent sized dnb scene, and there's some really excellent stuff circulating out the underside. check out Electro Organic Sound System - fucking killer, unlike anything out there (in my opinion).

so do whatever you like, whatever sounds good to you, and try not to look over your shoulder (that's the hard part). whatever you do is gonna sound different by virtue of your uniqueness. and gear is irrelevant - sure we're all biased - but really if all you got is pots and pans, start banging away. make some fucking music!


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Message 5/16             07-Apr-98  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: A different topic


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Skul, let's not start no fuckin' east-coast vs. west-coast thing here, lest the Brits get in on it and start bashing all us Yanks. Keep it positive!!!

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Message 6/16             07-Apr-98  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: A different topic



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thought everyone might think this odd(funny?) but I heard a dnb track on a commercial for the golf channel(on same)!!! It was actually pretty slammin' track, what little I heard of it, but it made me wonder....and empty vee has some cool shit on their intro for some show kurt Loder hosts (somebody told me about it, i swear)
definitely not an E/W thing here, and hopefully nowhere else.
hey Hilevelt-are you gonna dis me like that and not even reply to my post? I dont give a shit if you'd rather not mess with some neophyte, but you could at least respond maybe. I'll jsut assume you're too busy, huh?

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Message 7/16             07-Apr-98  @  11:39 PM   -   RE: A different topic


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Look at that, what a punk.... You gotta learn not snivel, kid. Jungle be only for dem roughnecks!

Now, while I personally love it, and I love the developments of jungle, I keep seeing the same things happening in our scene that already went by with house, with all the sub-groups and amalgamations where one producer came out with a super distinct style, and then a hundred plates got dropped soundin' exactly the same. Come on, I'm a dj, most junglist guys are, and it's fuckin'hard to actually come across a whole set where each track could stand on it's own. Frankly, you've got your No U-Turn, your Roni Size, your Panacea, etc., and then everybody else falls into obscurity.

Remember when grunge broke, and only the first guys made cash and everyone else was labeled a wannabe. Or how about with big beat? I just don't want to turn in to the Crystal Method some day; like, America's inferior answer to a UK phenomenon. I want to start a new phenomenon.

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Message 8/16             08-Apr-98  @  12:10 AM   -   hey hilly..



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i thought i _was_ being fucking positive! there is no east/west thing in my mind. "out there" was a generic reference to... the industry in general, whatever.

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Message 9/16             08-Apr-98  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: A different topic


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Guess I'm over-prepared for some slaggings "You Yank blokes wouln't know propa DnB if it hitcha ova the head!"

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Message 10/16             08-Apr-98  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: A different topic


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snivelsnivelsnivelsnivel-yeah yeah. I guess Im not down.
Thanks for the advice about a program though.
Dara tonight!

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