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Subject: Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Apr-98  @  02:15 AM   -   Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog



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Okay, people, I am opening myself up here for
quite a ribbing I'm sure, but this site seems so
full of people with an amazing amount of knowledge
that I absolutely have to do this.
I live in the states, and have somewhat recently
(2 years or so) found a love for jungle or
whatever-everyone seems to have a different name
anyway, I want to make my own sounds!!!
I'm tired simply listening ot all these badass
songs and having no outlest (yet) for the ideas
they creat in my head. so I need to know what I
can do in order to alleviate the problem
what I'm getting at is that I need to know what
sort of equipment to buy-yes I know this is a
matter of opinion and all that, but Im willing
to listen to just about anything!!!
I'v looked in the paper, and online classifieds, and it seems like I could probably find just about
I dig all styles of dnb, but lean toward the "tech" style like optical, John.B., Dara, and
especially Future Forces-damn they're hard!!!
I know I'm rambling-I apologize but Im obsessed-I
spent the last three days in front of the screen
looking for advice/equipment/info and I'm even
more confused.
okay first question:
where do these guys get or create the awesome bass
2)I assume a keyboard type sampler would be a good
place to start?
3)Would an old ensoniq Mirage work? Ifound a
couple for $2-300. Iknow their old, but....
I have a very limited budget right now and am thinking maybe I should start turning tricks to
get some extra money.
Also, for snths-Juno60/2/106?NovationBassstation?
Whoever responds to this will probably feel inclined to send me a bill!!
I understand the basic concept of the music but
other than that am pretty much in the dark so...
determination counts though, doesnt it?
Okay, one last question that may just ruin it, but
I downloaded that hammerhead program onto a floppy and onto my hard drive and I cant get it to
work-does that program run on its own or do I need
something else?
Laugh all you want but I'm a clean slate and would
love to hear from anyone!!!
--Dave Spang (Influx)
P.S. that E-mail address is my fathers-I'm using
his computer

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Message 11/14             06-Apr-98  @  10:09 PM   -   RE: Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog



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A decent sampler is a must for breaks and jungle stuff. I don't think a Mirage is the best choice since it has little memory (128kB I think) and is HARD to program (all hex codes). The Juno isn't as crucial, since you can always sample analogue stuff or use software. But a real synth helps, tho. Fasttracker is an excellent start if you don't want to pay a lot for hardware, but it's more limited in many ways. For real deep subs any FM-synth should be ok. They are usually very cheap but hard to program. The bass should just plug into to the sampler or into the mixer, so that shouldn't be a problem.

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Message 12/14             07-Apr-98  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog



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Emax!!! Yeah, I read that you have to sample in hexadecimal with the Mirage...... Sounds like a fucking nightmare.... There's like 4 of them at my local music store for $100 - $200 dollars, but they've been there for a year... I guess no one wants them... The Emax's are really cheap ... Bang for the buck tho

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Message 13/14             07-Apr-98  @  04:04 AM   -   RE: Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog


Posts: 2

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Get Making Waves. You don't know what you're doing and this is honestly the easiest way to start. It'll do anything you need, loops, midi sequence, etc., you don't gotta bother with the steep learning curve getting into synths and lower-end samplers (samplers get progressively easier to learn as the price goes up, though the EMAX is nice 'cause of all the front-panel info, kinda like the HR-16 of samplers). Hey, it's $75 and more intuitive and powerful than any tracker/soundcard combo available (no special ram, just off the system. I wish my k2000 had 64 mb ram!).

So Making Waves and a cheap EMAX as a controller and for the bass lines. No, stop, no questioning, it's your only choice. Anyone who wants to start whining about their FT, IT, Mirage or FZ- fan clubs, shut it. You're ignorant if you try ;)

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Message 14/14             09-Apr-98  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Ignorance/ineptitude/general fog



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If all you want to do is have av outlet for your creativity you might take a look a the newest version of mixman studio.I know,I know Its a toy right?I never gave it a second look after I saw the original specs,but I just read a review in music and computers mag,and boy have they come a long way!!!They sell the thing for fifty bucks,and it is quite powerful(for a beginner).Dont get down on yourself kid EVERYBODY had to start somewhere!!Some people just started a long time ago.I think KILO must have started when people were still bangin sticks together:-)Anyways I am in the US,so e mail me ,I'll give you my tele and maybe I can answer some of your Questions I'm sure you have a lot!!

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