aaa Free spectral windows VST - DtBlkFx - Music techology forums
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Subject: Free spectral windows VST - DtBlkFx

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Original Message 1/2             15-Jun-06  @  11:11 AM   -   Free spectral windows VST - DtBlkFx


Posts: 1

Link?: Link

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Hi Everyone,
Free VST windows plugin (not sure if this has been through dance-tech news)

get it here

What does it do??

* Precision parametric equalizing with sharp-roll off
o Set the frequencies so accurately that you can adjust individual harmonics of a sound
o Frequency resolutions of up to 0.7 Hz
* Harmonic based (or comb) filtering
o Set a fundamental frequency and adjust the level of it and its harmonics - you can even remove the pitched component of a voice
o Active harmonic tracking - let DtBlkFx automatically track a sound and adjust the level of it’s harmonics
* Various types of noise control
o Change the “contrast” between loud and soft frequencies
o Adjust only those frequencies below or above a particular threshold
o Clip frequencies above a particular threshold
o Sound smearing (phase randomizing)
* Frequency shifting
o Harmonic shifting by a fixed number of notes
o Non-harmonic shifting by a fixed frequency
o Active harmonic repitch - the content of your sound is monitored and repitched to a destination note (which is quite fun to try on voice)
* Vocoding
o Standard (frequency enveloping) - make your trumpet rap, string section sing or synthesizer talk
o Harmonic based - harmonics in one channel are power-matched to those in the other (or some predefined waveforms) for a new vocoding sound
* Frequency masking
o A harmonic or threshold mask may be set for any effect (apart from vocoding) - for example only shift frequencies that are below the threshold
* Realtime spectrogram (waterfall) display of input and output sounds
o See what frequencies are in your sound and exactly what you’ve done
o Use your mouse to see the note & frequency under the pointer

You can select up to 4 of the above effects to be run in series! Combining the effects in this way allows you to make completely new and surprising sounds.

Changes since version 0.9

* 16 bit display bug fix
* Stereo version
* vocoder (freq enveloper) & harmonic matcher
* harmonic shifter
* active harmonic repitching
* short delay bug fix
* more pictures in the user manual

DtBlkFx is available for free as a VST effect plug-in for Windows and full source code (C++) is included.


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Message 2/2             15-Jun-06  @  12:56 PM   -   RE: Free spectral windows VST - DtBlkFx


Posts: 12353

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

cool, no we didnt get it as news, but you can signup as a COMPANY user type (click the LOGIN icon above on site menu row) and post news direct - if you add an image make sure it's a thumnail for the display column 150px wide max and make sure it's a gif or jpeg or jpg

or just send us any news to: admin @ dancetech (dot) com


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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