aaa Cakewalk lost Tempo Synchronization - Music techology forums
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Subject: Cakewalk lost Tempo Synchronization

Pages: 1

Original Message 1/2             05-Mar-98  @  02:24 AM   -   Cakewalk lost Tempo Synchronization



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Sorry, guys.
Cakewalk is my favorite Sequencer but i have one problem with it.
For example i've recorded some pieces of MIDI music in Cakewalk with BPM=139.Then I loaded Audio Editor program in order to record MIDI to WAV using my Audio Card .All recorded fine but when I paste it to Multi Track Recorder ( in my case Cool Edit Pro) I found big lost in synchro . Pieces of recorded music played in MIX much slower then 139BPM. O.K. -I said to myself- and faster Master Tempo to 153(!)BPM
Now it recorded nearly with 139.But when I loaded mixer to my Sound Card Tempo in Cakewalk fall more.
So how can i synchronize between MIDI Sequencers and Audio HD Recorders.

P.S. Heard about MIDI in Cool Edit Pro but don't know how to use it.
Had somebody the same problems . If yes ,
how did you solve it

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Message 2/2             05-Mar-98  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: Cakewalk lost Tempo Synchronization



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File?:  No file

Yeah, forgot to say I have Pentium133 with 16 MGs may be problem in this ?
Thanks one more time.

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