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Subject: censorship

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Sep-98  @  02:29 AM   -   censorship

acid cat


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It is very heartening that in the real (ie non-virtual) world , freedom of speech is written into the constitution of democratic countries. And why? Because at the very heart of democracy lies the idea that the needs, thoughts and opinions of all people should be heard if we all are to be free. Opinions of dissent from mainstream popular thought have enriched, changed, and broadened our society to the point that we can take or granted the freedoms we have today.

More importantly, opinions of dissent make those in power accountable for bad decisions, bias, and tyrany. When we lose this ability in society- to criticise influencial people and make them accountable for their actions-we have fasicsm. Leaders who rule on a whim, allow their insecurities and personal bias to dictate who may be heard, who will not, who counts, who doesn't, who may live, and who will die. Like Hilter, Mussolini; leaders who are responsible for some of the worst huiman artosities in history.

It is interesting to me that the internet is a vehicle for a new kind of fasicsm, such as that which operates at this site, where only the opinions of those who are in direct allignment with Kilo's agenda (ie to derive a sense of hero-worship from his readers, moreso if they are women) are tolerated. Sadly, for Kilo, and for the immature boys here who support such behaviour, Kilo's insecurites about criticsm and strong women (who do not actively flirt with him or refer to him as `God') are encouraged to run rife at this site.

It is significant that my small but very valid criticism about Kilo's use of censorship on this site illicited his lies, wild and way -off assumptions, conspiracy theories and accusations about my motives for critising him (who can honestly and accurately guess what another person's motives are anyway??) and the biggest form of censorship....banning me. Its outrageous to the point of humour. What kind of weak person needs to ban someone who, without abuse or profanities, offers an opinion of dissent? As for his supporters........well I put that down to your immature need to hero worship someone, and, that most human of traits,.....`bonding against the (percieved) enemy'......stuff that causes wars, death; the saddest incidences in human history in fact.

If you care to remember back, I very logically, and without profanities, pointed out the glaring fact that it is hypocritical of Kilo to ban racist language from this site, but not sexist language. And it is. I pointed out that his doing so resulted in a proliferation of pornography and anti-female language on this site which disheartened me to extent that I stopped writing here for several months. (At the time I was the only female posting here) And I also pointed out that it was hypocritical to allow Daniella (also a strong woman) to be harrassed with anti-female language to the point of departure, but to both abuse and ban people for posting racist language here. Hypocracy is not the worst trait to posses in the world, and I never implied that it was. But it is relevent, and it requires illumination when it is clearly excluding and offending a group, or even one person. I found it particularly relevent at the time because there was much discussion from you all as to why this site fails to attract women.

I think we all know why.

I don't care for hero-worship (no human being should be percieved as so one-dimensional) so despite any respect I once had for Kilo, I saw no need to allow his hypocracy (and his lie about his not using censorship on this site) to go unacknowleged. I did the democratric thing in speaking up. Influencial Site ops, like politicans or any person in a power position, should be made accountable for their personal bias, lies, and exclusionary behaviour. It makes for fairness. And it makes for a better person who holds that power. It opens their and others minds, allows them to see their insecurites and perhaps express them in a less destructive way. It makes them accountable, and better human beings in the process. People in power have the ability to affect many others with their insecurites, predudices, and lack of understanding. Thats why criticism is essential. And by supporting Kilos censorship of my mild but relevant and valid critisisms, you all have denied him an opportunity to reflect apon how his use of censorship offends and excludes some people. Perhaps, like Kilo, many of you don't agree that a woman should have strong opinions and should only visit this site for flirtation and exhibitionist purposes. It is a great sign of weakness to ban opinions and minority groups you don't like......... and it is fascist. In the real world, this would be regarded as illegal.

A good portion, if not all, of you fail to understand or care about how this sort of hypocracy causes offense. Afterall, most of you are inexperienced musicians, male; mostly half Kilo's age and easy targets for him to illicit your hero-worship. So desparate to deny any implication of sexism, and to protect someone you need to see as a hero, you have ignored and failed to understand how deeply offensive and alienating it is to ban racist language from a site, but to encourage sexist language and imagery.

The biggest part of your misunderstanding has been that by revealing Kilo as a hypocryte, I am therefore accusing you all of intentional sexism. This is not the case. Personally, I believe that a good portion of sexist language has been posted here in humour, boredom, and desire to illicit a reaction. I believe that Noteven, who started all this recent contention, meant his taunts of Daniella in much the same way.......basically to illicit a reaction. What was wrong with that situation is that Kilo refused to step in when Daniella pleaded that he do so......but the past has proved that he will go off the deep-end, ranting and raving, at the most benign racist connotations.

The racist language used on this site has always been far more benign and meaningless than the pointed, often extremely mysogyinistic anti-female language used here. My question is......why does Kilo ban Racist language, but encourage sexism, pornography, and female alienation??? Is it more fashionable to take up an anti-racist cause than to encourage civility towards female dance musicians? Is Kilo merely too afraid for his hero-status to stick up for a woman in this `boys club' style environment? Or does he genuinely resent the presence of strong, opinionated women on his site (who do not refer to him as `God' or exhibit themselves)???

This site was fair when we used to aim outrageous profanities at each was hard hitting, extremely funny, and difficult to take seriously. We were not limited to only sexist language back then in our attempts at humourous slaggings. Racist and homophobic language were as prolific, and as funny, as sexist language. And it felt....irreverently refreshing. Like an episode of Southpark. The huge amount of sexist language and imagery directed at me was mostly very funny, sometimes offensive (in which cases I said so), but mostly tolerable because I too had my verbal armour. I was called all manner of names and I returned each insult with the same intention of wit and humour used by my attackers.

It all changed when Kilo felt the need (under dubious circumstances) to abuse me (and others) both publically and privately for the use of benign racist language. There was no mention of the extensive use of sexist, and downright mysoginist, language by my male `oponents'. In effect, Kilo made it OK to use foul sexist language and imagery, whilst banning mild and benign racist language. For those who remember, doesn't it seem the least bit strange that anyone would ban the people invloved, and delete the words `I am a nigger. what colour are you?" (by poorass) and `big brother is watching' (by Avene) and `please give us your address and we'll let you know (KKK aka acid cat)....... but not bat an eyelid at numerous essays with phrases like`youre a fucking bitch slut cunt'?, explicit pornography, and the countless extremely pointed and mysogisist remarks?????. Or to allow a female (Daniella) to be completely alienated by anti-female sentiment to the point of departure?

Some of you remember what I'm talking about. In response, Sedusa, as an example, said he thought that it was good that Kilo banned the words above because they `were sick' (!??) whereas he thinks the use of sexist language, imagery and sexual profantities is `funny'. This is the direct result of Kilo's partial censorship of the site...........and typical of the maturity level here. An influencial person like Kilo has the ability, through his Hypocracy, to make female concerns unimportant to the young men here, and racial concerns of paramount importance. This is basis for the offense I take at Kilo's partial censorship of the site and why I believe this kind of bias is wrong.

A short time after Kilo censored the site, the slag pages became fluffy, meandering, and difficult to understand. Very rarely funny. Pornography was encouraged; Kilo posted `Sally's little sister' and wrote the warning page which, in effect, condones sexist, but not racist, language. Effectively, the only real weapon of attack in our jausting was even more prolific sexist language. I was disheartened and frankly bored. The mysoginists amongst you were spurred on more than ever, seeing clearly that Kilo was willing to support sexist but not racist language. I left the site with a feeling of mild bitterness, but mostly of boredom. A fair game is fun.......a referee who allows punches below the belt from only one side makes a fair game brutal.

Months later, it interested me seeing another strong woman blustering onto the site. Having explored, and eventually rejected, the celebrity status she was experiencing, I kept an eye on things. In time, I had grown tired of the constant provocation by young and ratrher stupid boys based on my gender. I could see that Daniella was beginning to feel the same.

It offended me to see Kilos response to Daniella when she pleaded for some help in face of a new barrage of anti-female slags. When she asked for some intervention, Kilo stated that he did not believe in censoring the site and that people should air whatever negative feelings they want. Remembering clearly that this was not the case, and feeling offended that Kilo would rather see a woman alienated from the site than speak up for her........... I spoke up instead. I did not, as Kilo claims, `Slag him'. Anyone whos been around here for a while knows what an acid-cat slag is, and my comments about Kilos hypocracy were civil, lackinging in profanities, and logical.
And why shouldn't I speak up?. Kilo lied, and blantently. He banned and deleted the most benign of racist language, but he endorsed and encouraged sexual intimidation, anti-female threads, and foul sexist language.

As for the rest of you.......very sadly I discovered a bunch of ignorant, vicious, mysoginists and immature hero-worshippers. Worse, I defended you lot to Daniella when she was pissed off with the site, which makes it all the sadder. Daniella, too busy flirting and exhibiting herself (pictorially and metaphorically) could not see a true ally when she had one. I was probably the only person on the site interested in her for herself, not for some hope of fullfilling a fantasy.

I did not read even one opinion from you all that made any sense (except for Hillevet at one time) ; your comments were based on such logic as `Kilo once helped me so his accusations about Acid-Cat must be all correct' and `Pongoid helped me once with a problem so that makes him right when he says that everyone who doesn't eat at soup kitchens a sodomised whore' and `Jock is my friend so he couldn't possibly demonstrate an unhealthy obsession towards a woman'. These sort of comments debase you; they exhibit not only extreme ignorance, but unrealistic attitudes about friendship. If the simple fact of a person having a friend absolves him of all possibilty of doing wrong, then by your logic, there could be no wrong doers on the entire planet. A true form of friendship is not blind loyalty......but acceptance even in the face of their imperfections.

You accused and attacked me to the point where nothing you said made any sense. A bunch of cowards and mysogynists, kicking me hard while I defended your right to express a valid and original opinion. In the end, your comments were not even worth responding to. Like a pack of sharks in feeding frenzy, you really didn't stop for a second to appraise my comments on their own merit. Or to question why, for a moment, someone as `big' as Kilo would need to do something as low as ban someone just for offering an opinion. You didn't see, therefore, that kilo is a very insecure man with no tolerance of critisicm from a woman......... that he will go to any lengths to lie about, defame, and accuse someone in order to deny any imperfection within himself. You didn't give him the opportunity to see that censorship, not tolerated in democratic society, should not be tolerated in virtual society either. You didn't give him a chance to face up to his mean-spirited tendency towards facism.

I won't be back to read your predictably immature and illogocal responses to this letter. Kilo, no doubt, will once again very cleverly (not!) take a whole lot of my words out of context, string them together, and accuse me of great conpiracies against him. If he doesn't delete it, he will claim to have some special insight as to my motives for writing this letter, some sinister plot. He will claim to know me, probably use all manner of profanities. Let me say now that Kilo does not know me even remotely well enough to ever have had any authority on the subject of my motives. And you are all so ignorant and stupid to believe that he did. Sadly, those of you with the intelligence and maturity to agree that censorship of opinions of dissent and of persons is wrong, will be too intimidated to say so.

It is not surprising to me that a pathetically insecure and mean-spirited 40 year old with so much technical knowlege remains a complete nobody in the music industry. An extreme sensitivity to criticism, and the crucification of anyone who dares to offer it, is not conducive to the kind of frank self-appraisal needed to make it in a creative profession.

What a little man.

And what a pity that you lot are too immature to understand or care about the needs of your female dance-musican peers.

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Message 11/26             28-Sep-98  @  03:12 AM   -   RE: censorship



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Why cant more people be like Sedusa, Jock, Buggo and anyother sarcastic ass like myself?



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Message 12/26             28-Sep-98  @  07:37 AM   -   RE: censorship



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quiet, commie!

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Message 13/26             28-Sep-98  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: censorship


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Whats the difference between Batman and a Black man?

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Message 14/26             28-Sep-98  @  09:43 PM   -   Holger


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Hey AC !

i will reply to your thread later (no time at the moment)
but, please keep in mind what fantastic Ressource
Kilo´s Site really is (also besides the Chat area :-) !

This makes him no "Hero" but something near to that ;-)

I write back later (when i have the neccessary time)


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Message 15/26             29-Sep-98  @  12:04 AM   -   RE: censorship


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Batman can go out without robin' (... I think thats how it goes?!?)

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Message 16/26             29-Sep-98  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: censorship


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The only thing wrong w/ AC's rant is that she hasn't realized kilo's already done her work for her. That little episode in time ravaged this chat site, and there are no signs of it ever getting back. A lot of the old regulars got chased off by it, discourse is in general bland and at worst annoying, and, at least on the technical page, we've been reduced to talking about all kinds newbie bullshit without ever getting into serious tech-talk. I LIKED serious tech-talk, not humor, ranting, or slagging, let alone rascism or sexism.

Maybe I sided against kilo (though NOT WITH AC) at one time because I as well am not a white male, and so can appreciate the views of fellow minorities on a deeper level than he.

In actuality, though, I was simply offended by his deletion of certain threads, the censorship which AC is referring to. Now I realize there was no reason for me to even take such an active part, because by kilo's censorship, without letting the problems run their courses or allowing people to resolve the differences between themselves, he did an injustice to his people (yes, this is his kingdom, one which I am perfectly happy not ruling myself) that has encouraged many of us to exercise our right to not be here.

AC is wrong to attack kilo so viciously, he's a good guy that's done more altruistically than can be said for myself, most people I've ever met, or she; he's not a god, and he made a mistake. At the same time, I don't like seeing xoxos or buggo step actively into the foray when you guys haven't had history on this site. You've gotta earn your stripes, kiddies.

hehehe, and see that, Sedusa, that little piece of shit noteven put you in the same class as himself (BWAAHAHAHA!!!!!!). As I remember it, NE, kilo himself ORDERED you to shut your shit, and you're not welcome here by many of us.

All said, I wish kilo luck with this site, it's his and he deserves the right to run it any way he sees fit. I've never expected perfection, I mean he's WHITE, after all ;).

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Message 17/26             29-Sep-98  @  06:29 AM   -   RE: censorship



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how do you keep a black person out of your front yard?

hang him in the back!!!!!

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Message 18/26             29-Sep-98  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: censorship



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ahahahahahahha....... very witty....actually hilly, the site count has simply decreased due to lack of updates... not the AC rant-a-thon

Hilly, MY opinion is, simply this....

that humans fail to percive their essential basic humaness, and live their life basically reacting over and over to a series of stimuli & conditioning.... so..... we tend to see a problem as being always attatched to it's external manifestation... as opposed to a simple set of human conditions thru which we all function.... and ultimately can overcome

so..... white supremacists in reality, are functioning simply as do black supremacists, male supremacists, or female supremacists or any of the numerous political or religious supremacists........ what we fail to percieve is that the issue we deal with is simply the feeling of supremacy which is a manifestation of individual human something....

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Message 19/26             29-Sep-98  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: censorship


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i'll bloody say it again. life is problematic. you take it personally, then it sucks.


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Message 20/26             29-Sep-98  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: censorship


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and hilevelt - what is serious tech talk?

first of all, thanks for your tips to everyone. your experience is quite an asset to all of us with less. the tech area should be answering these dumb questions that we have when something doesn't work or doesn't sound like we want it to. but beyond that, what?? serious tech talk? i simply can't imagine. hopefully one day i will be able to hold a conversation on close ground with you re. equipment knowledge, but for now, what would be more engaging for you? what do you mean?


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