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Subject: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Dec-05  @  05:47 PM   -   Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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When you produce music do you find yourself trying to fit in a certain genre, or use a genre as inspiration? Do you get miffed if you can't put a genre on your finished tune or do you really not give a snap?

Curiousity killing this cat.

S dub

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Message 11/23             15-Dec-05  @  12:28 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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the genre is an impetus in regards to vibe and audience. but once the song starts, it's all me, me, me.... and i'm so underexposed it hurts. So basically, I try to follow my uneducated heart and hope that something pure and true emerges, no matter how naive it may be. That's what I want people to take from my music and I think it's even more important in instrumental tunes than vocal stuff. Though good lyrics are hard to come by, it's fairly easy to state the point of the song with words and the expressiveness of a voice. To create the vibe you want with pure sound is difficult, and trying to do so within a set of rules is IMO tricky to the degree of futility. Unless that's yer thing, I guess...

So yeah, pro-genreless. In fact most things I listen to fall into that category as well.

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Message 12/23             15-Dec-05  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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That said, someone who can do instrumental music, stick tightly to a genre, AND evoke his/her own sound... well that's just damned impressive in my book. It's that third part that is so difficult to do once you nail the first two.

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Message 13/23             15-Dec-05  @  12:41 AM     Edit: 15-Dec-05  |  12:44 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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i think it can be good to know your audience when doing a bit of music, sometimes its good having a guideline to work with, worrying about it is sometimes even more of a distraction !

When you go to some amateur or websites (unsigned artists for want of a better term) normally a good majority is 'genreless' with a footnote of ' im not usre what this is, a mix of trippy guitar based breakbeats with a hint of trance riffs and a background of.......' BLAH! *sleeping and ive not even listened yet* if you dont know what the fuck you made dont expect me to listen to it!

To get noticed for soemthing 'genreless' and credited/released you have to be 100 times the producer of those who stick to a tried and tested route I reckon. Unfortunately too many try and of course fail!

I actually dont think theres too much in genreless anyway, everything can get pin pointed and watered down to an extent really, someone soemhweres got a name for it most likely!

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Message 14/23             15-Dec-05  @  01:08 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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but once the song starts, it's all me, me, me.... and i'm so underexposed it hurts.'re so underexposed it hurts even ME.
don't know what to do about that.....but you're young still. just realize the difference between
over and under and the fine line between youth and the ledge on which i stand.

i was at soundclick and i have no idea how i ended up listening to this steve milward guy's tracks
(rock general?) but i immediately have fallen in love with this old bald 70-ish looking bloke (please don't tell karen).
mr. wilward is the spirit of captain sensible without all the toss and fart-jokes.....or production.
but listen to his first 2 tracks and well.....simplicity of hook and lyrics which both hurt and tickle.
his voice even almost sounds like the captain.
i'm going to ask if i can't remix his i don't know why> song.

i'll always believe the net is where one can find so much undiscovered gold.
i think some of us just gotzta knock some of the chunks of clay and dirt off ourselves so the shine underneath can register.
and we gotta love the music...the making it...the being it...the sharing it.
if even only twenty listen or 20, a universe of a billion-plus galaxies...the difference amounts to spit.

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Message 15/23             15-Dec-05  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?

cLownsiTTerz uNiTe


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Message 16/23             15-Dec-05  @  09:45 AM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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quote're so underexposed it hurts even ME.

i feel compelled to clarify that this was not a dig but rather a suggestion to get busy...get your stuff going.
don't let working in the field as a pro stifle one's own creative juices.

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Message 17/23             15-Dec-05  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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i think it can be good to know your audience when doing a bit of music, sometimes its good having a guideline to work with, worrying about it is sometimes even more of a distraction !

When you go to some amateur or websites (unsigned artists for want of a better term) normally a good majority is genreless with a footnote of im not usre what this is, a mix of trippy guitar based breakbeats with a hint of trance riffs and a background of....... BLAH! *sleeping and ive not even listened yet* if you dont know what the fuck you made dont expect me to listen to it!

To get noticed for soemthing genreless and credited/released you have to be 100 times the producer of those who stick to a tried and tested route I reckon. Unfortunately too many try and of course fail!

I actually dont think theres too much in genreless anyway, everything can get pin pointed and watered down to an extent really, someone soemhweres got a name for it most likely!

I kind of have issue with this though, what is wrong with not knowing exactly what you made??? Why would you not want to listen to it if it cannot be described well?

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Message 18/23             15-Dec-05  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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I think there is no direct relationship between not being serious about music and not being able to classify a track. That two things are usually served together, but not always.

(Yes, as you might have guessed, I'm the kind of guy who is always unsure about genres, but is reluctant to associate himself with those afforementioned "amateurs").

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Message 19/23             15-Dec-05  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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no one ever heard the word genre til electronic dance music came round in it's need to be able to delineate it's divisions of style into silly camps. it was no longer whether anything was any good at was simply about whether it was breakbeat or house or deep house or hard-house or tech-house...or toothpaste trance or whatever so people could try to claim an affinity with anything they could label...being such sheep.....and so their purchases could be made within the one category they truly lay allegiance to....that week.
of course this was important for the clubs and labels too since they couldn't guarantee that everything they were offering was of any quality but it would be just what the label said it was.....nothing more nothing less.

and terribly irrelevant by next month.

what genre beck?
what genre anything truly interesting anymore?
it's like having a guy who's 45th generation dutch who's entire stock hails from the same village and all of his cousins are named lars and wear the same shoes.

that's interesting.

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Message 20/23             15-Dec-05  @  07:18 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


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guess what style signalrunners usually make ...

we get asked to do specific styles quite often, when it's just something that we do not 'to order' i guess that's where influences come out more obviously. don't particularly care what anyone calls it. shit, mostly. ;)

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