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Subject: We wanna go LIVE!!!

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Aug-04  @  02:19 PM     Edit: 25-Aug-04  |  02:24 PM   -   We wanna go LIVE!!!


Posts: 1584

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Ok, so after spending a little time talking to some rather cool guys whilst I was away in Lausanne this weekend - http:\\ - and with our latest album being released last week... the thirst to take our sound live has now become unbearable..

I've done some research, I've sat and talked with our guys and it looks like despite all of my cynicism, we're *seriously* considering the use of a lappy, buying in Live V4, our man Jam on VDrums, our double bassist and of course the darkstate vocalists as the core of a live setup...

From what I've read, Live V4 *could* be a good way to get the bulk of our studio heavy sound out there for "live" re-sequencing on stage. This would be a massive boost to getting rehearsals underway without having to dismantle the studio each time, convert those Cubase SX projects back to midi data (to be read by, say, my P2500's onboard sequencer etc.)..

The idea will be to move the core audio clips from our project across into Live for re-sequencing on the fly on stage (after many rehearsals with it and the other darkstate musicians that is)..

Naturally, the stability of a laptop, WinXP and Live itself is a BIG concern to me but with each and every day now, I'm hearing that it IS viable provided you take some (fairly commonsense) precautions - vibration damping, stripped bear XP build, no crap installed, audio solution with mature drivers - like say, an Echo Indigo - etc..

Of course, despite all that I *still* don't trust PCs completely which is where a 2nd identical system running all of the appropriate audio with its own copy of Live (sync'd to the first but muted during the set) would provide redundancy.. since we haven't got the budget for two tasty laptops then the redundancy would be performed by a spare high-specced mini tower that we do have available to us - setup properly on stage too (same vibration protection etc) but out of the way and only as a LAST resort..

After all my rambling, my thoughts and questions to you fine people is this...

1) Will this work?
2) Is the 2nd machine overkill - despite the fact we won't be in any position to have a 2nd laptop (which would be the ideal portable redundancy solution IMO)
3) Just how good and more importanly STABLE is Ableton Live on the PC?
4) Anyone have any anecdotes for doing anything like this (or any live users out there?)
5) I know a lot of hedz fly by the seat of their pants or SWEAR on hardware only setups for just the very reason that its more "immediate" and reliable - but this is the angle we're aiming for so advice on this tack is gratefully appreciated...

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Message 11/30             31-Aug-04  @  09:28 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


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Time will tell, but that's what we'll be aiming for..  

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Message 12/30             09-Sep-04  @  04:22 PM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


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FUCKING 'ELL, LIVE 4 ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I just need to find me about £1500 squids for the lappy, indigo soundcard and Live full version.. YEAH BABY!!!

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Message 13/30             10-Sep-04  @  06:35 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!



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quit saying LIVE 4 ROCKS would ya?!?!?!?!?!

y a mekiN me angry.

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Message 14/30             10-Sep-04  @  07:45 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!

welder (aka. ragnarok)

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Whats wrong with live4 Clay?

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Message 15/30             10-Sep-04  @  11:27 AM     Edit: 10-Sep-04  |  11:28 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


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[quaking in my considerably sized boots here... not!]

Whassup Clay, ya not a LIVE fan? I'm just a newcomer to it meself (just playing with the demo ver) but I'm impressed with what it does for what we need - still using SX2.2 for the actual production but I reckon Live is where its at for what we need on stage... time will tell of coz!

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Message 16/30             10-Sep-04  @  03:47 PM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!



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File?:  No file said it again....ableton LIVE 4 rocks!!!!

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Message 17/30             10-Sep-04  @  09:59 PM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


Posts: 2003

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Congratulations. You found a tool that could work well for the context you're trying to put it into. Now shut up and get on with it already! Don't think that it's all a done deal. You've got other people to rehearse and play with, and they've got to not get bored with what you're doing unless you're paying them. It's not all honey and treacle from here. Lots of work to do. Good luck, and post a recording of it when it's done. If you've got other questions, feel free to ask. Tarra!


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Message 18/30             11-Sep-04  @  12:07 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


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Hahaha.. damn Pongoid... you'd make a good stage manager!

Live 4... yeah... me too, me too.

have fun with it, DS... but as the man says... shut up and get to work. hehehe


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Message 19/30             11-Sep-04  @  05:38 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


Posts: 1345

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work it bitcyh, work it !

go get "em !

or whatever

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Message 20/30             13-Sep-04  @  09:16 AM     Edit: 13-Sep-04  |  09:25 AM   -   RE: We wanna go LIVE!!!


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The ape man doth speaketh truth.. and I will quite happily say this... that during those interminably boring moments when I can't be practising my skillz or rehearsing with the guys (i.e. when I'm holding down the day job) - all I can do to keep the fire burning in my mind is pop along to here and eulogize occasionally..  


Thanks for the kind words all (and the offers of info - will be MUCH appreciated in the months to come)

I'm under no misconceptions about how much work its gonna take - I'm fully prepared for that. If I can get and keep my focus in the studio during years of recording and shit, then I'd like to think I can apply some of that to doing what I've been hoping to do for some time.. finding the "right" tools for what I wanna do, and more importantly *understanding* what it is I/we wanna do was only part of the battle... Now I am gonna shut it and get to work... this space!

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