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Subject: Romance All Dis Music

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Feb-04  @  07:20 PM   -   Romance - All Dis Music (A true story)!!!!

Kenneth "Romance" Wright (USA)

Posts: 11

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(Part 1)

Hi Rich!

Glad to hear from you! Yes, things are getting underway here. We are closer to making everything happen with our plan to bring the Chicago house music artists to the UK for a tour! As I mentioned before, it is a bit complicated in setting things up, but God is on our side, and we're closer than before to making it happen. OK.........I want to give you a little insight on my story of All Dis Music! Recently, I was with one of my business associates here in Chicago going over a draft of a production agreement for a new record label venture we're starting that will be based out of Chicago. As we were reviewing and fine-tuning the draft of the agreement, I stated to him that its good that we're protecting ourselves and future artists by having an agreement both lucrative and protective for the artists on the label. I went on to tell him how I had recorded a song many, many years ago, that was never released by the label (DJ International Records) and I never knew what happened with the song. My associate (casually) asked me what was the name of the song, and I replied "All Dis Music". I was seated on his sofa a few feet away from the computer where he was working on the production draft. I didn't realize that he was performing a title search on line. While I was still reviewing the paper draft of the production agreement, he asked me a few moments later what the name of the song was again. I stated "All Dis Music" (this time spelling it out for him) still unaware that he was conducting a title search on line. Seconds later, he excitedly proclaimed "Kenneth, I think I found your song"! Without me even looking away from the production agreement I was reviewing, I asked "what song"? He stated "your song "All Dis Music"!. At this point he had gotten my attention and I said "what"??? He again said "Yep, I think I found your song "All Dis Music"! As I hurriedly got up from the sofa to see what he was possibly talking about, I walked over to the computer and BEHOLD! There was my baby (A.D.M) sitting at #1 on a "all-time classic" chart by DJ John Kelly at!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could barely believe what I was seeing with my own eyes!!!!!!! Surely this was a mistake! (at least I thought)!!! I stood there frozen in front of the computer screen as if time was standing still. My associate was shocked as he asked me "you mean - you didn't know your song was on line"???? I couldn't speak. I remember walking away from the computer and going to his restroom where I fell to my knees, and began crying uncontrollably like a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I remember I was praying to God asking him "how, why, for what reason, please explain", etc........I couldn't stop crying. I remember my associate coming to the bathroom door and knocking, asking me if I was OK? I don't think I answered. I do remember him asking me if I needed some water. He brought me a glass of water and I asked him to please leave it outside the door (still crying). I continued questioning God from inside the bathroom on why had this happened????? My associate allowed me to have some private time for maybe 15-20 minutes, then he returned again to the restroom asking with concern "if I was alright, and did I need anything"? I slowly opened the door with tears streaming down my face and walked back to his living room where I sat down on the sofa, picked up the production agreement draft and stated, "as I was saying, we need to make sure this agreement will protect both the artists and the label" (I was obviously experiencing shock). Richard, at this point, I got up and went into the bathroom and began crying all over again (worse this time than at first)! My associate was freaking out and asked from outside the bathroom door "should I call your Mother"? I was able to mumble the word "yes", and he went to phone my mother to inform her what we'd just discovered. I was scared beyond words of what was happening to me (I thought I was having a nervous breakdown)!!!!! I couldn't catch up with my breathing and I TRULY felt and thought I was dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember thinking "OK, this is what it feels like to die". I began to pray and ask God to protect my family and loved ones because I knew in a short moment I would only be a memory. Moments later my associate was knocking on the bathroom door saying that my Mother was on the phone and was asking to speak with me. I opened the door slightly and took the cordless phone into my hand, placing it to my ear. The voice on the other end I recognized belonged to my dear sweet Mom. She said "Kenny, are you alright"? I replied saying "Mom how could they do this to me"??? (referring to DJ International) She replied saying "they're dirty, low-down" crooks"!! My Mom went further to tell me how she remember how hard I had worked on "A.D.M." while I was producing it, and that it was a shame that they had released my song without ever notifying me. My Mother spoke to me in a way that "only" a Mother could, and encouraged me not to worry because God won't allow them to get away with what they'd done. I felt a little better and she said if there was anything she could do, don't hesitate to let her know. I thanked her for being my Mother, and told her I'd phone her later. She asked to speak back with my associate, and I exited the bathroom returning to the living room where my associate was performing a more extensive title search on line having found by this time more than a dozen or so sites which featured my smash hit dance classic "All Dis Music"! We could hardly believe it!!! Here we were trying to figure out how to launch a new record label in hopes of scoring a hit and helping to share some positive great music with the world, and already around in several countries around the world I had a "super-hit" unbeknownst to me!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was experiencing every human emotion possible (anger, sadness, betrayal, extreme joy, disbelief, bitterness, etc....) As my associate and I continued searching and finding site after site with my song and reference to "A.D.M.", we both agreed that this story will "blow the lid off the record industry"! The sad part besides not ever being compensated from the success of "A.D.M." is the fact that the message in the song is about peace and love thru music, and they (the culprits) completely ignored it. In July 1987, I left Chicago going to Los Angeles, California (ironically the same year the House Sound Of Chicago Volume 3, Acid Tracks would be released in the UK) to embark on my search for success in this crazy, ruthless, crooked, record industry. Little did I realize, I was about to learn who Romance really was, and what I am truly made of !!!! (Part 2) Coming soon.

Kenneth Wright

P.S. Coincidence? Definitely Not!!! *see google groups re: (All Dis Music@ dated January 13, 2002! wrote:
Hi Kenneth
Yes, Ill be seeing Larry At Electriks, If I get chance to say 'Hi' I'll
remind him about ADM!

Sounds like things are getting underway at your end, keep me posted as they

Peace out!


>-- Original Message --
>Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 15:52:38 -0800 (PST)
>From: Kenneth Wright
>Subject: Hi fromRomance
>To: Richard Hardcastle ,
> Richard Hardcastle
>Hi Richard!
>Long time no hear from you! I hope things are well there!! I only wanted
>to touch bases with you to say hi and to see how you're doing? Everything
>is going well with me here in the "states". I've been corresponding with
>Larry Heard, Adonis, Darryl Pandy, and Jamie Principle's manager about
>coming over there to do some long-awaited performances. I am really looking
>forward to it. It seems like it's taking a long time to happen, but I assure
>you it will take place! We would like to have Lolleta Holloway, Farley
>Funk, and The D.A. appear with us so that it'll be a very grand affair!
>a little concerned about egos being subdued and controlled. I've performed
>with a few of the artists before and nothing unusual occurred, but that
>long ago before some of them gained "legendary" status! Anyway, I hope
>will go well without incident when we do arrive on your shores. Larry Heard
>will be at Electriks in a few days (on the 28th of this month). If you
>into him
> there say hi for me and see that he gives "All Dis Music" a spin (smile).
>OK, I gotta run now, but you take care and say hi to everyone for me. Keep
>in touch!!!!!!!!!

Chicago, IL

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Message 11/25             29-Feb-04  @  02:33 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


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Care in the community innit... All the looney bins are full


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Message 12/25             29-Feb-04  @  11:53 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music



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better a looney than a thief of other's creativity.

you can roam the streets and find stories of countless people who'd been ripped by VERY SUCCESSFUL people & they for patents...scripts or scores...>
even for inventions which were rushed to their burial ground because they were actually useful to mankind.

unfortunately redemption is too-often found in allah jesus or the bottle.
but there is redemption.
whereas there is none for labels which steal from their artists.

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Message 13/25             01-Mar-04  @  12:50 AM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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But there could be redemption if there is in fact a case. In this instance I have to wonder, like milan, what this is really about. Most people today realize that the first thing to do in such a situation is to seek legal counsel. Most kids are even sophisticated enough to understand this basic fact of life in Westerm Civilization.

Considering that he mentions an upcoming new release I have to wonder if this is a cheap publicity stunt. If it is then bringing JC, Buddha, Allah, The Mother Of The Ten Thousand Things, or any other diety held sacred by any faith into play is BS. I for one think he's acting like a charlatan. If it quacks like a duck...

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Message 14/25             01-Mar-04  @  05:24 AM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


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fcking nutcase

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Message 15/25             01-Mar-04  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


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with all respect for your innocence, kenneth.. (what is the frequency?)

faith and deception are more than friends..

anyone who tells you about god or the universe is after something (whether they know it or not.) i say let the universe speak for itself.

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Message 16/25             01-Mar-04  @  05:20 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


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This shit is great. Looney's unite.


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Message 17/25             02-Mar-04  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music



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cry cry cry...yet do so in joy.....not anguish.

and keep it to about 8 minutes.....unless you're a which case you get 20....
then 20x times THAT to laugh in the face of>
now start practicing.

and x~
so no one can attempt to speak for the universe ever?
or for the dolphins or chimpanzees? or for the poor and exploited?
is the universe forever destined to speak for itself? and through what medium
might i ask?
and is this an order from higher-up or that other place which exudes pink and black stuff?
and truly is it so wrong to want something for one's self if love and generosity can be be party to that equation? please....
how might i stroke the mighty ego?
let's not pretend!

give the guy a handkerchief in his moment of need.

better for loonies to
i say yeaH>

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Message 18/25             02-Mar-04  @  07:13 AM     Edit: 02-Mar-04  |  07:17 AM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music

Optofonik - AKA, mick, rhyze, etc.

Posts: 1444

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Okay, if I discovered a song I had composed referenced as commercial releases on a number of websites, even 15, I would be pretty upset If they were unauthorised but I would seek legal advice. However, in light of the other post about your nephew being in the hospital (Even I'm not cynical enough to believe that someone would lie about a situation such as that in a public forum. What purpose would it serve?) it is understandable that emotion stability and common sense would be at a premium. An overt turning to one's faith, however ungracefully displayed, would also be understandable.

Ken, doctors and lawyers are the instruments that your God will use in each particular situation. Understand that and get a grip. God helps those who help themselves. You've already gotten help for your nephew now get some help for yourself - there are Christian lawyers out there. That's the best, kindest, advice I can offer.


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Message 19/25             02-Mar-04  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


Posts: 3872

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Mixing religion and business is like mixing balloons and thumbtacks.

Sorry that's the best I could come up with...


balloonatics unite!

There. Squeezed water out of a rock.

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Message 20/25             02-Mar-04  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: Romance All Dis Music


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clay, you know this one -

listen, clay. dancetech is a site with lots of info on electronic music, clay. now listen, clay. dancetech has forums on it. clay, when you have finished typing your message, you have to hit the 'submit message' button to get it to post.

you prefer that people speak to you as if you were an imbecile?

if we respect each other in our relationship with the firmament.. if we can do this one thing.. it'd save a lot of real trouble, like.

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