aaa Pro genre or Pro Genreless? - Music techology forums
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Subject: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?

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Original Message                 Date: 13-Dec-05  @  05:47 PM   -   Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


Posts: 178

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When you produce music do you find yourself trying to fit in a certain genre, or use a genre as inspiration? Do you get miffed if you can't put a genre on your finished tune or do you really not give a snap?

Curiousity killing this cat.

S dub

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Message 21/23             15-Dec-05  @  10:39 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


Posts: 178

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mcc> wrote:br />what genre beck?
what genre anything truly interesting anymore?
its like having a guy whos 45th generation dutch whos entire stock hails from the same village and all of his cousins are named lars and wear the same shoes.

thats interesting.


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Message 22/23             15-Dec-05  @  10:48 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?



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simply saying it's all-too-often people trying to do and be the same thing.
not so tough to grasp is it?

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Message 23/23             15-Dec-05  @  10:57 PM   -   RE: Pro genre or Pro Genreless?


Posts: 178

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not too simple.....

people will always do that, even the pioneers are emulating to a degree. Emulation is inevitable.

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