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Subject: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana

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Original Message 1/24             29-Jul-98  @  09:35 PM   -   getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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sorry... but i am.... so full-time demo's to follow,... wish i had a virus to try it with

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Message 2/24             29-Jul-98  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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It's about time.....are they for sale yet?

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Message 3/24             30-Jul-98  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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no.... there is only one being produced in the whole world... and it's mine i tell you !!.... heh heh... dunno... call your main retailer...

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Message 4/24             30-Jul-98  @  05:43 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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It should be available soon in the UK if not now....I envy all you who live in england you get most of the cool stuff first. Mind you, you pay alot more for it too....I guess it's a trade off.

Jeremy Arsenault

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Message 5/24             30-Jul-98  @  05:59 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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depends mate... actually, our pound is strom=ng.... so we get better deals on nippon gear than you guys with your limp dollar... and homegrorwn like the nova is cheap too..... and european stuff has less far to travel.... so where d'you get that idea?

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Message 6/24             30-Jul-98  @  07:10 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana

The Pimp


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Cause for a lot of gear taking into acount the exchange rate it is cheaper here. Some examples a Korg N5 has a list price of 725 pounds in the UK where as in Canada it has a list price of $1200 Canadian. The exchange rate right now is something like $2.40 to the pound so if it cost the same here as it does in the UK it would be $1800. That's quite a difference. Then there is the the CS1X it has a list price of 499 pounds in the UK where as I spent $899 canadian including taxes (15%) which is a hell of alot cheaper. I know some kit is probably cheaper and I know list prices are not often the actuall price but with a large % of the gear I have seen it is cheaper here in Canada then in the UK and cheaper still in the US. It's probably just the exchange rate that is making it so cheap but on the other hand I really think the synth market subsidises North American users it being a bigger market then the UK and Europe.

Jeremy Arsenault

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Message 7/24             30-Jul-98  @  09:28 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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true for mass produced stuff.... but i can grab the paper every day, and there is tons of old stuff going piss cheap within a few miles....
also, we dont have to treck 150 miles thru the mountains with a dog sled team to try one.... :-) ,

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Message 8/24             30-Jul-98  @  01:49 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana


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Message 9/24             30-Jul-98  @  04:48 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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So did ya get it yet?

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Message 10/24             30-Jul-98  @  05:56 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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nope... the beastie still aint arrived.... and it's 18.12.. probably what happened was that they missed the deadline to send it yesterday

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Message 11/24             30-Jul-98  @  06:05 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana

The Pimp


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You win. I can't get used stuff as cheap as you. And right now I am having a wrangling match with the music store in my city. They claim there is no such thing as a midi thru box and that I must by a merge. He also said that if someone had just started making them and they where as cheap as I said (I've seen them in toronto for a lot less then a thru). Then proceeded to tell me how to hook up my midi equipment without the thru port (in a way that wouldn't ever work). So I guess it's of to Toronto on my sled.........mush!!!!!!

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Message 12/24             30-Jul-98  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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Actually from what I've seen in FM and SOS classified ads, used gear is much more expensive (generally speaking) in the UK than in the US. I know "The Pimp" is talking Canadian prices, but you guys also referenced US prices, too.

I've seen W-30's in FM for as high as 600 pounds. This was back when exchange rates were something like 1 pound UK = $1.6 US. Maybe I'm leaving something out but that seems to me to be just under $1000 US!!!!! W-30's get around $500-600, on average, in the US. Maybe some of this is just "hype" due to the fact that Liam (Prodigy) always raves about them.....hehehehe.

Also, Juno's seem to be generally higher over in the UK, and the DX-stuff too, at least according to some recent messages in these threads dealing with FM-synths. I see TX81Z's for $100-130 (US) all the time over here (sometimes higher, of course, but I know of a few right now for $130). I'm pretty sure you guys listed some higher prices in the UK (in fact a few folks were telling Browngirl to jump on that deal(?) for the TX81Z she was checking out).

I guess it's tough to argue this, since ranges are pretty wide here, in some instances....but it seems that whenever I look in your classifieds (UK mags), the gear seems to be getting a higher price. Of course, these are pretty much all "asking prices"....not really what they may actually get for them, eh?

You guys also have that 17.5% VAT on new gear, too, right? That seems like a bitch, but maybe it all works out in the end (the rear end, that is!).

I've heard some horror-stories on price-tags from some dudes from Sweden, maybe we're (US, UK, Canada) pretty lucky, after all, eh?

The thing that's really startin' to piss me off is these damn pawn shops around here (Detroit area). Somehow, they've gotten wind of the "vintage" label.....and have really hiked-up there prices. I was just bitchin' over at SonicState about a pawn shop that has an MC-500 for $1100 (hehehehehe), a Poly-61 for $500 (I think), and an R-8 for $700, and the killer of them all....FB01 modules for $285 each (they have 3 or 4 of them)....I mean, come'on!....I can get one of those for $50 any day of the week......oh for God's sake!!!!!

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Message 13/24             30-Jul-98  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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oh christ... the magazine free ads prices are lunatic.... no-one ever sells stuff at that price wel, maybe to real niave idiots.... i know what you mean, the prices in the fre-ad's in SOS are loony.... i crack up if I read them...... prices advertiseed are not prices paid.... there is also a tradition in the Uk of haggling... NO-ONE expects to selll something without being pressured severly to drop... so they also tack summat on top..... but SoS ad's... !!!... heh heh.....

I think maybe ther'd be a biz in selling s/h gear mail order from London... like Atari's etc.... mail order overseas carriage

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Message 14/24             31-Jul-98  @  03:07 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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I dunno.. I always find shit cheap.. but maybe that's because I'm poor and I look hard.

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Message 15/24             31-Jul-98  @  05:46 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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So did ya get it yet Kilo??

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Message 16/24             31-Jul-98  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana


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In britain most music shops are a complete joke.

You can classify the salesmen in them into two main groups..... (1) The work experience lad who knows nothing about anything the shop sells but knows that Future Music likes the Z1 a lot. (2) The Anorak who thinks he knows everything and will ramble on about bolloxs for EVER and leave you at the end none the wiser.

Just find yourself somebody who doesn't know the value of the insrument he's selling and you're laughing. I recently stung this shop assistant when i bought my asrx of him. I realised he didn't know the slightest thing about it, offered him 850 quid and he took it. It had the latest OS and the output expander and was ex demo.

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Message 17/24             31-Jul-98  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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Kilo, I guess the only thing is that the prices I see over here stateside are also "asking" prices (W-30 example, especially). Some dealer prices are actually lower, but they usually won't come-down is price much at all.

I was just comparing UK classifieds "asking prices" to US classifieds "asking prices". Sometimes I feel like buying a bunch of W-30's, Juno's, and TX81Z's over here, getting a ticket to the UK, and selling them all over there...hehehehe, not a bad excuse for a vacation, eh?

Oh well, who cares really, eh? Sorry for so much babble on a pretty meaningless topic.....hehehehe.

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Message 18/24             31-Jul-98  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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YES... IT IS HERE...!!.... they deklivered it to the wrong address.... first thing up cos i aint had time to check it, is.... the knobs, are very smooth, and when you tweak one.... the display automatically switches to give the readout level setting as you adjuest for that knob, regardless of which section you are actually in at the time..... very nice..... very well laid out... tons is crammed into a small space.... yet very intuitive to use, i was zipping around tha basics without reading it up in the book.... and it looks loverly too, if that means anything.... very quick os.... overdrive is nice, the distorted 303 sound is honking.... more to come

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Message 19/24             31-Jul-98  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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Congrat-u-fuckin-lations!!! You are one stoked mother-fucker!! (green with envy)

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Message 20/24             02-Aug-98  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana

Purple Haze


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A local music shop over here (Belgium) has had a supernova for a couple of weeks, don't know if it's just a demo model (they sometimes get demo models of new gear some time before they start selling the stuff), or if you can buy it allready.
As far as prices are concerned... most stuff here is a bit more expansive (like 10-15%) compared to the UK, but some things seem to be cheaper. You can get a CS1x here (new) for less than 400 uk pounds, AN1x goes for about 600 ukp new, jv2080 about 900 ukp, mc505 about 600.

By the way, a friend of mine got an mc505 from a music shop to test it out, I've got it here right now to sample some things from it. It seems to be quite easy to fiddle around with the built in sounds and patterns, but I think setting up your own patterns and making your own sounds is less straightforward, probably very nice for a dj, or someone who'se got no kit at all and wants to get some nice sounding stuff without buying too much gear, but I wouldn't pay the price they want for it. It seems you're able to do a lot with it, but I somehow couldn't see it fit in with the way I make music (or at least try to  .

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Message 21/24             05-Aug-98  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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So, has anyone in the US actually been able to purchase a Supernova yet?


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Message 22/24             05-Aug-98  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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get over to the Novation website...( there is a list of Distributors there... call yours....

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Message 23/24             05-Aug-98  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana



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Message 24/24             06-Aug-98  @  08:08 PM   -   RE: getting my SUPERNOVA manyana


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Damn! The prices in the UK are fucking pathetic!

Theres complete Twats selling their gear in the Loot for well more than what the same thing is going for brand-new!

As for the magazine Ads... I can only assume its a joke or they all take so long to go through the admin - about 3 years!

Kilo - Tell me where you get your stuff from so cheap?

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