aaa Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000 - Music techology forums
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Subject: Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Apr-98  @  04:55 AM   -   Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000



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I need a new synth. I have narrowed it down to either the nord lead 2 or the JP 8000. I played around with both, and they are both cool, I CANT CHOOSE. I like the display on the JP8000- The nord simple just number system would probably get annoying after a while. I dont know that much about virtual analog synthesis, because I have been using a CS1X. D
So I was hoping that u very knowledgeable people could tell me the differences and mayber help me out in choosing. The people in my local music store dont know much about their synths, so hopefully u guys can help.


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Message 21/24             21-Apr-98  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000



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If you want a Z1 try it out, when flicking through the patches there a 1-2 second delay befor the new patch plays.
That yould try me bonkers.....also the demo machine which wasnt more than a few months old had a fucked screen.

I prefered the Nord but bought the JP so what do I know.....JP's not bad but isnt thrilling on the first play.

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Message 22/24             22-Apr-98  @  10:33 AM   -   RE: Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000



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hmm, I just found a guy selling Nord Modulars for dirt cheap: $1800 for the keyboard and $1500 for the rack. Any thoughts? Any reason why that crappy little keyboard would be worth the extra $300? If anybody else wants in, feel free to e-mail me.


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Message 23/24             24-Apr-98  @  10:38 PM   -   RE: Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000



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I've done a spreadsheet on Excel listing all the features of all the synths mentioned on this thread! It helped me choose which one to buy. At the end of the day it's got to be down to which features are most important to YOU...

If you want polophony and ease of use go for the Supernova. Personally I'm a bit put off by the lack of FM - it's a real ommission. Also the huge polophony is not that important to me cos I've got stacks of other stuff but if it's your first/only synth then it's got to be a hot fave.
Virus is supposed to have great filters but I've never heard one, bass end is supposed to be a bit weak.
I certainly agree about the JP - turn the fx off and it's weedy.
One you all seem to overlook is the Microwave XT, it's got plenty of knobs and is truly gut wrenching.
The Nords have a charecteristic raw sound and no effects and still sound as good as anything else. Easily better than AN1X/JP.
I agree with everything said about the Proph, it really is hot - acid! A bit hard to program but well worth the perseverence. I'll never sell mine.
So what did I buy?
None of these - what was most important to me was flexibility. I want everything - greedy! It had to be the Nord Modular. I can't explain how forking wonderful this thing's got no fx (ok, some chorus), polophony is typically only 8 voices, but it'll sound like ANYTHING! I've got the expansion on order that'll give it double the voices. So easy to program, don't be put off by the modular approach, it's so easy - but you need a pc...any old pc with a midi interface will do.
I got the keyboard version but play it from my SY99 most of the time.
I've done a 40 min sample cd of the sounds if anyone wants a copy - email me and I'll do you a copy for a small charge to cover costs. Also email me if you want a copy of the synth comparison spreadsheet...

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Message 24/24             02-May-98  @  12:30 AM   -   RE: Help me choose - Nord Lead 2 or JP8000


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Beleive me, this guy Steve Hunt knows what he is talking about. After reading Paul Nagle's excellent two part review in Sound on Sound I decided to check this machine out further, after all if Paul says that it is a landmark in synthesiser technology then a landmark it is. So anyway after reading Steve's entry here I contacted him because he is obviously very impressed by the Nord, enough to produce a CD as a labour of love so that we have a chance to make up our own minds. Well the CD arrived yesterday and this is one mighty piece of kit. It sounds like so many different instruments - Prophecy, Wavestation,Ensoniq VFX, real FM sounds the list is endless. It blows everything else out of the water, especially my own preconceptions. I just wonder how the other amnufacturers are going to rise to Clavia's latest challenge. Do yourself 3 big favours, check out Paul's review April/May editions of SOS, download the demo from Clavia and contact Steve for his cool CD - then make up your mind. I did and now I am saving as fast as I can. I WANT ONE!! Thanx for your effort Steve.

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