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Subject: Building a new music PC. Comments a

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Original Message 1/27             01-Jan-04  @  07:09 PM   -   Building a new music PC. Comments a



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My friend is building a new music PC. I need comments and suggestions on this setup he have choosen:

Processor: AMD Athlon XP 3000+, 400 MHz fsb
Motherboard: Asus A7V600
Memory: 2*512 MB DDR PC3200
Harddrives: 2* Maxtor 120GB Plus9, 8MB cache
Graphic card: HIS ATi Radeon 9600
CPU Cooler: Slim Silent Pro
Chassi: Chieftec BX-02B-B-B
Chassi fan: 2* Papst 80mm (80x80x25x)
DVD burner: NEC DVD brännare multiDVD

What do you think of this setup? Please come with tips and suggestions.


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Message 2/27             02-Jan-04  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a



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pioneer 106 dvd/cd writer combi - it's not fussy about the media it can use as some drives. The OEM one (no box) is just the same but comes with no s/w (or box heh) - it has burnproof.

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Message 3/27             02-Jan-04  @  12:06 PM     Edit: 02-Jan-04  |  12:10 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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got the pioneer 106 here meself- burnt tons of stuff on different discs, data, videos' - all perfect. Prolly quite old now in terms of home dvd burning hardware but quality still. - actually thinking , mine came unboxed/no discs, didnt realise there was anything more to it than the shop saving a few squid from their suppliers. Learn something new........


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Message 4/27             02-Jan-04  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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I've got a rebranded NEC here, and it's not fussy about anything.


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Message 5/27             02-Jan-04  @  11:27 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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the rest of the specs look pretty damn impressive.

pay attention to proper installation of everything, keep it clean and it should provide you with a healthy amount of functionality

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Message 6/27             04-Jan-04  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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What's your monitor situation? Don't be hookin' that badboy up to a 15" bubble. I highly recommend dual 17" flat CRT's.... they're really cheap and you can probably get package deals with a dual head card. k just got a deal like that, maybe he can hook you up. does the 9600 do dual head? ATI cards are nice...

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Message 7/27             04-Jan-04  @  09:40 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a



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yeah, but I didn't get flat 17's.. they were crt's

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Message 8/27             04-Jan-04  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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I know... I specified flat CRT's because they're cheaper and I like them better than TFT. Trinitrons are still so easy on the eyes after all these years.

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Message 9/27             04-Jan-04  @  05:08 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a



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ah I see... flat crt's  

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Message 10/27             05-Jan-04  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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"Don't be hookin' that badboy up to a 15" bubble.."


Its surprising the number of ppl that skimp out on the display after spending lovely wonga on a kick ass system! If the physical desk space is available then I'd second the 2x17" Flat CRTs or even 19" if you can stretch to it....

The day when decent LCDs are cheap enough.. *sigh*

Other than that.. nice system spec. Here's hoping it all fits together sweet..

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Message 11/27             05-Jan-04  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a

pc, really?


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People are still using Windows based computers to produce music? Inform your friend that can avoid all the heart ache, stress, and anger now and just buy a mac g5.

pc, really?

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Message 12/27             05-Jan-04  @  04:23 PM     Edit: 05-Jan-04  |  04:23 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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And here's me thinking just the other day that we haven't had a "My Computer is Better than Your Computer" ruckus for some time...

Shouldn't this be in the lounge though?

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Message 13/27             05-Jan-04  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a

Yonce N Mild

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Be sure to inform him that he will also be dropping an extra 1500 bucks so he better be sure to pick a few extra leaves off the money tree if he wants to go that route. I'm not sure thats the solution though because spending lots of unecessary cash has been known to cause "heart ache, stress, and anger"

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Message 14/27             05-Jan-04  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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Message 15/27             06-Jan-04  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a

pc, really?


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I guess if spending a little extra money will get a better sound, more features, and a pro set up-- then yes, tell your friend to go and pick a few more leaves off of the money tree. Why spend any money on a toy that is half assed.

pc, really?

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Message 16/27             06-Jan-04  @  08:09 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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Message 17/27             06-Jan-04  @  08:16 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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i recently built an athlon 2600+ with an Abit KD7A and have ongoing problems with my audio playback and recording (using an Aardvark LX6). I'm 99.99% sure its the VIA chipset causing the problems, therefore I suggest doing extensive checking to make sure your chipset isn't going to cause conflicts.

There has been known issues with VIA chipsets causing audio problems, and while VIA hasn't offered any real fixes, an independent programmer has released a patch that may fix problems that arise:

but then again, k built that front page system with a VIA and hasn't had any problems, so....

have fun.

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Message 18/27             06-Jan-04  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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mines a VIA system too, and no problems (well, except for some stupid bad RAM chips...but thats a manufacturing defect)

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Message 19/27             06-Jan-04  @  10:17 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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i've built tons of VIA systems with no problems with kt133, 266 & 333 & 400 boards... Georges patch was ages ago, the hyperion driver set has had the fix in it for ages now... that was back in the old KT133 days.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 20/27             06-Jan-04  @  11:51 AM     Edit: 06-Jan-04  |  12:02 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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This whole VIA thing has passed into urban legend now I reckon... its like the FIRST thing that goes wrong with anyone's PC? Blame the via chipset...

Its true, they fucked up ages ago.. I guess they're paying the price now as consumer confidence is still low - well, judging by these scattershot ("I've got via and I've got audio problems") posts that always surface anyway...

I'm not saying, dfect, that you're not having problems but have you exhausted all of the known avenues of investigation? Hell, some cards dish out problems just by being in the wrong PCI slot.. and you'd be surprised the number of people who DON'T know that... mebbe its Abit who've built a shonky VIA based mobo... there's just too many variables to blanket blame one thing...

And no, I don't work for VIA or any affiliates, I don't even know anyone from Taiwan.. I'm just not big on scaremongering or misinformation which this "VIA is bad for audio" thing is.. the fecker refuses to lie down, despite the fact I've built shitloads of via based PCs and only with the advent of DECENT nForce based boards would I consider using anything else for budget conscious high-performance PC audio workstations...

And as for the mac thing... "..Sounds Better.." ??? PLEASE tell me how that is supposed to happen? Do Macs have better soundcards? Erm.. no, the soundcards are generally platform independant so I doubt that's a factor... let's ask our panel of independant adjudicators...

[Family Fortunes Fart Noise "UN UN!"]..

Mebbe its the audio rendering algorithms in programs like Cubase, Logic, Reason, Protools etc...? Erm... no.. don't think so either...

[Family Fortunes Fart Noise "UN UN!"]..

Ah, it must be the O/S and the fact its an APPLE computer that makes the physical audio coming from your speakers sound better... chortle..!! More features...?? ho ho ho... [slump!]

Still, if Mac's work for you mate.. fair play.. they're nice machines..

But as influx said.... yawn...

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Message 21/27             06-Jan-04  @  02:03 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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I do admit that a little extra research is required when building a PC rather than going out and buying a Mac you know will work. But lets face it, how hard is it to spend a couple hours online looking for people who have the sound card you're using and emailing them to ask what motherboard they have and what kind of problems they're having with it? Ditto doing some research on how well your prospective card works for people.

It's not rocket science, but it does take some legwork.


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Message 22/27             06-Jan-04  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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Macheads take pride in their shiny boxes that work with little hassle.

PC-heads take pride in their homemade boxes that cost less and work because they were made to work.

That's all there is to it... NEXT!

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Message 23/27             07-Jan-04  @  09:19 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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oh one more thing.... Macworld? What's the big news? Garage Band...

"You don’t have to play the piano. You don’t have to read music. You don’t even have to have rhythm. If you know what you like when you hear it, you can make your own kind of music. With GarageBand."

Apple will save music. God bless them.

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Message 24/27             07-Jan-04  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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Funny enough, my rock band friends are going gaga over Garage Band

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Message 25/27             07-Jan-04  @  06:20 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a



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ahhhh must go mac now ;)

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Message 26/27             10-Jan-04  @  08:18 AM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a


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shit... that means i need to make some more support calls. i know that the physical slot position can make a difference, but for no good reason i've neglected to actually try that.

the first (and only) time i called Aardvark on my problems, the guy told me about the VIA 'problems' and pointed toward's George's site. that was...October? November maybe.

i've been avoiding my system issues for some time now, i think its high time to dig back in.

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Message 27/27             14-Jan-04  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: Building a new music PC. Comments a

Purple Haze


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I have an amd with a via kt333 (gigabyte) board. No problem with audio whatsoever. (using an m-audio delta 66)

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