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Subject: Another "how do they do that" question. :)

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Original Message 1/28             15-Sep-98  @  03:39 AM   -   Another



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How do I do drill sounds? You know the ones, Squarepusher, Aphex Twin, Autechre
style speed-breaks. I've tried cutting and pasting a really small snare over and over again but it doesn't sound right.

How the hell can they get the damn drills to speed up, slow down, go all over the place?
(I know I'll probably get flamed for posting this beginners shite)


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Message 2/28             15-Sep-98  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: Another



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1. Go to the dentist pretending you have a painly tooth.

2. Take a hand recorder with you (DAT or MD recommended)

3. In the right moment (I mean when the dentist approach the drill to your mouth press the record button and try to
stay quiet (shouts of pain can crap the drill sound).

4. When you think is enought go press stop.

5. Go home and sample the sound. I use digital I/O to obtain the best quality, specially in the harmonic 37 that is crucial for a real drill sound.

Thatīs all.

P.S.: you could get a Black & Decker drill for a more agressive texture.

Richard D. James

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Message 3/28             15-Sep-98  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: Another



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god! help this guy out i wanna know too!

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Message 4/28             15-Sep-98  @  09:01 AM   -   RE: Another


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dunno how much of a newbie you are, but synths have an LFO (low-frequency oscillator) that you can use to modulate/change various parts of your sound. most often they're used in vibrato/tremelo effects. if you're lucky, your synth will have an lfo with several waveforms (from a "smooth" sine/triagle wave to a more vicious square wave through a random "sample-and-hold wave) and a large speed variation....

if your lfos are fast enough you can use an lfo to modulate the volume/vca - at low lfo speeds you'll get a gentle tremelo, at fast a kind of manic drill....

use the most vicious lfo-shape you have - generally a square wave (a saw or a triangle will do) - and give it the most modulation depth so every time the lfo cycles it's cutting your sound from maximum volume to zero-volume - like an on/off effect but very fast. if your sound is quite harsh (and with a fast attack-time) in the first place you'll get a nice industrial drill effect.

to change the speed of the drill simply change the lfo speed. you could do it by hand (just change the value up and down as the sound plays), assign a controller (ie your mod-wheel) to control the rate, use another lfo to modulate the first one so the speed is constantly changing or finally, if your synth has it, use keyboard-tracking to control the rate - at high notes it'll go faster than at low notes - thus giving you a kind of motorbike-effect....

that should give you some help. if you don't know what the hell i'm talking about or you haven't got any analog or analog-style synths, get a copy of "vaz" software synth and follow some tutorials in that. or you could just sample a drill

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Message 5/28             15-Sep-98  @  09:29 AM   -   RE: Another



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Get a larger sample of a snare cos you want each sample to cut off the last.. Past them into 1/32 resolution.. With the big sample at this resolution you will only hear the part of the snare that is the punchy part.

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Message 6/28             15-Sep-98  @  01:43 PM   -   RE: Another



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Use a real drill and a guitar. Hold the drill (USE A CORDLESS FOR GOD'S SAKE!) over the pickups not touching the strings... Season to taste w/ FX. and sample.


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Message 7/28             15-Sep-98  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: Another


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go to a military base and mic them when they all walk about..
haven't heard anything by these guys except aphex twin and it's been years. if by drill sound you mean like the kick drum break that skinny puppy use in 'dig it' that's done just by using 64ths or 128s as everyone else has said... early aphex twin track w/ effect you want?

well, we are all beginners at one time or another; the best still are. but there's lots of ways to modulate a sample.. also a drumroll (still not sure if this is what you mean by drill sound) sounds different on seperate modules. some modules (ie. my old mirage-sample playback is a mix'n'match) may not give you the same thing twice and a drumroll is more bubbly whereas a good sampler is more icy/clean and you'll get a totally different feel to this type of fast sequencing.


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Message 8/28             15-Sep-98  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: Another


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oh and straight away, you might want to try something fun like ramping the amplitude/volume or other basic parameter of your snare...

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Message 9/28             15-Sep-98  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: Another


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Since you're talking Squarepusher and Aphex Twin, I think Bill's got it, but another option, with a sampler, would be to simply set an lfo to retrigger on a snare sample

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Message 10/28             15-Sep-98  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: Another

Purple Haze


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I think the key here is to use sounds (probable snare-like) in 1/32 or even 1/64, and make sure that whenever a new sound start playing the previous one is silenced. I've been trying this myself, and thought I did everything 'right' but somehow it all sounded wrong, until I got the idea of making that channel mono on my sampler. Did the trick.
And then vary pitch and maybe cutoff filter while your 'drill' is playing.

I wouldn't go the lfo route, would probably be too hard to sync it with the correct bpm of your track, but then, maybe you might not want that.

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Message 11/28             16-Sep-98  @  05:06 AM   -   RE: Another



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i heard this one (prob'ly very commercial) hip-hop track where the dj(?) was playing around with the sequence; making the vocal do triplet things, eights, 32nds etc. etc. anyways it was all very spontaneous and spur-of the moment, i thought: do those hardware sequencers have a function like a pitch wheel/joystick where you can change the trigger times in real time? like trigger every 64th note, then every 128th, etc? i'm sure it's prob'ly old hat cheese to you guys, but the folks on the bus where i heard it were freaking going: "oh the cd's fucked, hey driver! DRIVER!!"

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Message 12/28             16-Sep-98  @  09:04 AM   -   RE: Another



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I played an old tape of mine last night and the first track started with this snare roll thats mental,, I think what I did was using the sample offset trigger (I was using a S2000). There were two snares panned hard left and right with the velocity setting the snare offset (at 128 it played from the middle of the sample) and the stereo position of each sample. As the velocity increased the stereo image moved into the middle and the snare got harder and harder. Because of the sample offset position the sound also went from a full on phase to none at all by the time the peak was reached. Also the snare was playing at 1/32 and was not cutting of the last sample.. Sounded fucking ace!

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Message 13/28             16-Sep-98  @  04:34 PM   -   RE: Another


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The reason to use an lfo is for real-time speeding up or slowing down.

Richie, that's an interesting idea. My partner always likes to program things in like that, but I'm always left wondering why not just do it by hand w/ your mixer instead of all the hassles of programming?

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Message 14/28             16-Sep-98  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: Another



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Because the main effect was the sample offset play... At velocity 0 the sample played back from half way through, by the time the velocity had reached 127 ALL of the sample was being played. One of the samples (left or right) had the offset slightly higher than the other which created the morphing phasing effect... Could'nt do that with a mixer live. Thing is you call it a hassle.. but I remember it only took about 5 mins to create that preset on the sampler. Thats what I like about them and why I'm getting another one, you can really mess samples up with a little thought..

Thing is.. A lot of my stuff now is run of the mill with the odd track popping it's head up and going I'm great. When I listened to that old tape I did about 1 month after getting the s2000 I heard loads of ideas and things I was doing at the time to really push the sampler to its limit. In fact when I get home from work, I'm going to go through the whole tape and try to re-create some of the things I was doing better then.

Maybe the geeks among us just can't get away from programming stuff.. I know I can't...

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Message 15/28             17-Sep-98  @  02:18 AM   -   RE: Another


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i'm learning different modules have different facilities. that's totally a cinch on the s2000. just makes you weant everything :-)


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Message 16/28             17-Sep-98  @  06:12 AM   -   RE: Another



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Hmmm, I dunno about that LFO trick, I tried it on the JP-8000 and although I got a cool drill-ish noise, it's not really what I'm looking for.

The closest I got so far was cutting and pasting a load of really small clicks together and then adding a filter over them to give that chip-pan type sound. (You know the one, listen to the start of DMC (Live) by Jega on the Mealtime compilation album)

Another idea of mine was to have one drum beat going through a delay pedal with the feedback set right up, then adjusting it so it slows down and speeds up. All I need now is a good delay pedal.



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Message 17/28             18-Sep-98  @  05:50 AM   -   RE: Another


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I was messing with snare rolls on Performer at my school, using an step record...1/8, 2/16, or a series...however many measures some full on rat-a-tat-tat machine gun snares...sounded dope...steady pitch tho, but that could be fixed as well...

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Message 18/28             18-Sep-98  @  03:55 PM   -   RE: Another


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hmm. i don't know anything about the on-boards of the jp8000, but if you can't get a decent tight snare roll, there's something seriously wrong. i have an old yamaha hardware sequencer where the most accessable note values only played the note for 80% of the time value, but had the facility of writing notes with the full time value. maybe this is something you want to check; playing with the sustain because things that shouldn't make a difference, ie. 80% note length with sustain vs. 100% w/o sustain, sometimes do. so you're using a jp8k as the module, and just it's on-board sequencer, or what??


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Message 19/28             18-Sep-98  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: Another



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xoxos... I could'nt understand one bit of that!

Have you interfaced yourself into your pc or something.. You seem to be talking in a programming language!

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Message 20/28             23-Sep-98  @  03:16 AM   -   RE: Another


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Christ! That reminds me.... I was walking down the road one day and I heard this construction site and the drilling going on making a weird but soothing melody and rhythm... I wanted to sample it to remind me but I forgot all about it when I got home and so I'm real pissed off.

Got any suggestions (a mobile sampler or something)???

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Message 21/28             23-Sep-98  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Another


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okay, keep on laughing, but what i meant was:

if you have a sequence you want to write in 16th notes, but you can only write in 32nd notes, each note length value is 50%, because you have to write note/rest, note/rest.. well, the yamaha qx21 people felt that most people would prefer a more 'natural' feel if all the 16th notes stopped playing a little bit before the next one did, leaving little bits of space in between the notes, so each note length is only 80% of the actual value. they give you the option of writing in full note length value, but it's not the easiest to write in. so if you've got a piece of nonsense like this, you have to mess with the sustain value. also i've noticed that the notes lose even more length when slaving the sequencer.

in other words, pass the dutchie on the left hand side already.

oh and most of my best tunes are remembered from dreams.


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Message 22/28             23-Sep-98  @  07:12 AM   -   RE: Another


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richie: that slanging effect...i think i heard something like that on a chemical brothers song (song to the siren maybe?) i know, no one wants to hear about THEM, but there's a cool little breakdown and the drums are flanged to fuck...interesting effect. i have that old cheap nasty bi-mode chorus pedal and when i turn the modulation width all the way up and the oscillation speed all the way down, you get wacky asss effects on drums...mess with the oscillation speed and you can go from a sort of weird "wash" sound to a drill-type pitch-bending noise...

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Message 23/28             23-Sep-98  @  07:48 AM   -   RE: Another



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get one of the portable DAT recorders... Lord knows if I had money to blow I'd get one and sample the fuck outta everything...

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Message 24/28             23-Sep-98  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: Another



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I shall be investing (mmm, maybe not investing as such), in a few cheap guitar fx soon.. I shall definately get a chorus.. Cheers for the tip buggo :-)

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Message 25/28             24-Sep-98  @  01:48 AM   -   RE: Another


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sedusa... years ago, i kinda went into this with the idea of using basically only 'heard' sounds on a sampler. the truth is i've only started getting decent equipment of late, so this is my findings with mediocre gear. my opinion is that there are (well of course) a lot of great sounds out there.. but they lose something in the capturing process. some things have a real definate timbre, like a jackhammer or a warbler, but for the aspects that make most natural sounds worth hearing i think it's better to use a synth sound created and effected in the way that will achieve the effect; natural reverb, or whatever. propogation of sound in air is basically the same thing, if you take it apart. cleaner. more 'producty.'

well i'm just making it up as i go along. food for food.
it doesn't really matter.

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Message 26/28             26-Sep-98  @  02:25 PM   -   RE: Another


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both my Roland JX3P and my AN1X have some fucked up drilling sounds

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Message 27/28             27-Sep-98  @  11:52 AM   -   RE: Another



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Well, if I had a portable DAT, we'd find out if something was lost in the process, but I'm skint, so we don't!   I still think it's a good idea, xoxos

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Message 28/28             08-Oct-98  @  08:08 AM   -   RE: Another



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For drilling...
If your sampler can define it's loop points (I hope it can) than just set the loop point way down so that it plays back only a 32nd (or even less) of the sampled sound. I've done this with human voices, snares, kicks you name it. It drills.
To effect it try assigning an LFO to a Low Pass filter and season to taste. Or you could assign a controller, like the mod wheel, to the filter and push it around in real time. If you run this through a flange effect with only a little wet (and maybe 30% pan) the changes are subtle but very effective.
Good luck...

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